December 1, 2011 To All Interested Parties: Industry Notice #11-32 November 30, 2011 For Immediate Release MEDALLION INSPECTION FEE At the July 2011 public meeting of the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC), the Commission approved an increase to the fee charged for a Medallion Taxicab inspection at our Woodside Safety & Emissions facility from $50.00 to $90.00 - an increase of $40.00 per inspection. The effective date of the increase was 8/27/2011. Medallion Owners or their Agents will be receiving invoices from the Agency over the next few days for the difference between the prior inspection fee and for the updated fee for any inspections yet to be performed between the new fee's effective date of 8/27/2011 and their license expiration date. The amount due is based upon the $40.00 increase in the inspection fee, multiplied by the number of inspections remaining during the period between of 8/27/11 and the license's expiration date. For example: If your license expires in May of 2012 and you had two inspections remaining, you will receive a bill for $80.00. ($90.00 - $50.00 = $40.00 x 2 = $80.00) If your license expires in May of 2013 and you had five inspections remaining you will receive a bill for $200.00. ($90.00 - $50.00 = $40.00 x 5 = $200.00) - You MUST return the invoice with your payment in the envelope enclosed in the aforementioned invoice to:
New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission Post Office Box 5401 GPO New York, NY 10087-5401 Attention: Medallion Section
- You MUST include a certified check or money order in the amount indicated above made payable to:
New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission.
- You MUST print your TLC Medallion Number on the front of the certified check or money order.
Failure to pay the amount due listed in the invoice by 12/15/2011 could result in your vehicle's being refused inspection on your next scheduled inspection date, which could result in the issuance of a summons and possible suspension of your license.
If you have any questions about this, please contact the TLC Call Center at 212-227-6324.  Visit Taxi and Limousine Commission Web site at:
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