Saturday, December 31, 2011

Police Tactic: Keeping Crime Reports Off the Books

Police Tactic: Keeping Crime Reports Off the Books

Guy Calaf for The New York Times

Katherine Davis said that when a man climbed through her living room window, the police did not take an official report.

Published: December 30, 2011

Jill Korber walked into a drab police station in Queens in July to report that a passing bicyclist had groped her two days in a row. She left in tears, frustrated, she said, by the response of the first officer she encountered.

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Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times

Jill Korber was frustrated by the Police Department's response after she was groped by a passing cyclist two days in a row.

“He told me it would be a waste of time, because I didn’t know who the guy was or where he worked or anything,” said Ms. Korber, 34, a schoolteacher. “His words to me were, ‘These things happen.’ He said those words.”

African-American - News

African-American - News December 31, 2011


State adds 13 historical highway markers
State adds 13 historical highway markers (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
This contemporary illustration of the pre-Civil War escape from slavery by Henry "Box" Brown shows his "resurrection" in Philadelphia after being mailed there from Richmond in a wooden box 3 feet long and 2 feet wide.

Historic Firsts Detailed in Former Mayor's New Memoir (NBC Dallas)
Odom was the first African-American elected official in Orange County, Texas in 1965.

Tonia Hughes sparkles in Cinderella (Insight News)
If it is in fact how we react to life's most challenging experiences that make us who we are, than singer/actress Tonia Hughes is definitely one of the rarest of diamonds.

Lifelong Illness Led West Hartford Woman To Help Others (The Hartford Courant)
For Janis Spurlock, being born with a serious medical condition was a catalyst that prompted her to help other sick people either those like her with sickle cell disease , or people living with AIDS/HIV. "She turned what might have seemed [a] limiting situation into the empathy that taught the folks she worked with how to live with chronic ... (more)

Black community celebrates Kwanzaa Dec. 26-Jan. 1 (The Toledo Journal)
As an African American and Pan-African holiday celebrated by millions throughout the world African community, Kwanzaa brings a cultural message which speaks to the best of what it means to be African and human in the fullest sense.

Ron Paul's Viciously Homophobic Statements Revealed (EDGE)
As Ron Paul campaigns for the GOP presidential nomination, statements attributed to him in newsletters are coming back to haunt him.

Vivian Named SCLC V.P.
Vivian Named SCLC V.P. (Public Broadcasting Atlanta)
During the civil rights movement, non-violence was the main strategy against racial discrimination.

Occupy, civil rights groups join at NC event (SavannahNow)
Members of a traveling Occupy group met Thursday with civil rights leaders in Greensboro and announced marches reminiscent of the one in Selma in the 1960s in an unusual confluence of interests of blacks and the mostly white anti-Wall Street movement.

Michigan Chronicle Publisher Sam Logan, 78, earned Detroiters' respect (Detroit Free Press)
Whether he was regarded as a friend or foe for his editorial stances, Sam Logan often earned the trust, respect and admiration of his contemporaries no matter where he stood on sensitive political, educational and social issues of the day.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Museum of the City of New York

Museum of the City of New York   Museum of the City of New York


The Museum of the City of New York will be closed on Sunday, January 1 and will reopen Monday, January 2 at 10 am.

We look forward to seeing you in 2012!

    Holiday Hours:
    Saturday, December 31, 10 am - 6 PM
    Sunday, January 1, CLOSED
    Monday, January 2, 10 am - 6 PM

[Merrymakers in New Year Saturnalia], 1942, photographer unknown, from the Museum of the City of New York's Photography collection.

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Museum of the City of New York
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* The chief executive of the Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, a troubled Brooklyn hospital, was abruptly dismissed less than a month after a task force set up by Gov. Andrew Cuomo outlined a reorganization plan in the borough, the New York Times reports. A member of Cuomo's task force has now taken over day-to-day operations:

* The Asian-American Legal Defense and Education Fund has launched a lawsuit on behalf of four Asian voters, who say the current redistricting process has left them disenfranchised, the News writes:

* The owners of 1,500 office towers in New York City are preparing for a possible strike by 22,000 members of 32 BJ, the building service workers union, at midnight on Saturday, the Times says:

* Mayor Michael Bloomberg acknowledged that the underground museum at the World Trade Center site will not open on time because of a financial dispute, according to the Associated Press:

* Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance has launched a concerted effort to crack down on Internet crime, the Wall Street Journal reports:

* During its first year, the Cuomo administration has not focused on ramping up the state's use of DNA evidence, and has shied away from issuing pardons. But given Cuomo's strong credentials on the issues, insiders say that's likely to change over the next year, writes Jim Dwyer in the Times:

Fw: WBGO's New Antenna Turns On Today!

Sent by: WBGO Jazz 88.3FM
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At 1pm today, WBGO will flip the switch!

How is YOUR reception? Let us know. Take the SIGNAL SURVEY.

Many thanks for your support of the WBGO signal improvement project. While the hardware has been purchased, there are other, recurring costs that must be funded in order to keep this new system on the air. To date, we have raised 80%of the total project fundraising goal. You can help us raise the final 20% by speaking with WBGO's Major Gifts team: Beth Lasoff or John Newcott, at 973-624-8880 (ext. 285 for Beth, ext. 236 for John). Project success involves your active participation.

View from the top of 4 Times Square
View from the top of 4 Times Square

WBGO Jazz 88.3 FM will flip the switch on the much anticipated new transmitter and antenna system on top of 4 Times Square TODAY, Friday, December 30 at 1pm, during Midday Jazz with Rhonda Hamilton. We undertook this project to provide you with the best possible signal reception. WBGO's broadcast studios, production facility, and administrative offices-its nerve center-will remain in Newark.

Tune in and celebrate with us today at 1pm for this exciting occasion and afterwards, let us know how your reception has been affected by taking our survey. We thank each and every one of you who have supported the project and WBGO through the years and we look forward to a great future for jazz.

WBGO is a publicly-supported, cultural institution that champions jazz, an American art form, and presents news to a worldwide audience through radio, other technologies and events.

Become a member today!

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