Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is Your Subway The Trashiest? Take A Photo, Win A Prize!


Is Your Subway The Trashiest? Take A Photo, Win A Prize! New Yorkers are an inherently competitive people, so why shouldn't they compete for who has the filthiest subway? The Straphangers Campaign and Transportation Alternatives are sponsoring a contest to see which subways or buses are in the worst state of disrepair. The prize, ironically, is a 30-day MetroCard, as opposed to, say, first class plane tickets out of NYC to Sweden, where the subway stations are like cathedrals. "Tired of overflowing garbage cans at your subway station?" asks Gene Russianoff at the Straphangers Campaign. "Or are you in love with sights spied during your commute; from couples, to musicians, to sunsets on an elevated line? Then you'll want to enter our 2011Subway and Bus Photo Contest." [ more › ]
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Is Your Subway The Trashiest? Take A Photo, Win A Prize!
John Del Signore
Tue, 17 May 2011 20:12:00 GMT

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