Friday, May 13, 2011

High-School Hoops Star Busted In Bronx Robbery


NEW YORK, New York — Wings Academy high-school basketball star Deonte Houston was charged with first-degree robbery after he and three others allegedly stole an iPod from a 15-year-old boy.

NY Daily News reports:

The 17-year-old point guard and his cohorts rode their bikes into Pugsley Creek Park in Clason Point at 6 p.m. Sunday and allegedly circled the teen while one pointed a gun, police sources said. They allegedly snatched his $269 iPod Touch and pedaled off.

Police say Houston was picked out of a lineup by a witness, but the others are still at large. He was released without bail.

High-School Hoops Star Busted In Bronx Robbery
Charles Dixon
Thu, 12 May 2011 17:43:31 GMT

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