Saturday, May 30, 2015

Fwd: Coming Up at BCA: Opening Reception at Longwood, First Wednesday Trolley, BRIO Award Presentation

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Wed | June 3rd | 5-9pm | Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos
Opening Reception for
Freddy Rodriguez: My Geometries 1970-2002
Bronx Trolley First Wednesday Arts & Culture Tour
Wed | June 10th | 6pm | Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos
BRIO Awards Presentation
Funded Projects of BCA's 2015 Grantees

Wednesday | June 3 | 5:00-9:00pm
Opening Reception for Freddy Rodríguez: My Geometries 1970-2002
Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos
450 Grand Concourse at 149th Street

Freddy Rodríguez: My Geometries 1970-2002, a solo exhibition, features works created by the artist between 1970 and 2002 by the celebrated Dominican-born visual artist Freddy Rodríguez and curated by El Museo's Rocio Aranda-Alvarado. This exhibition is the first to chart the artist's expansive and unique approach to geometric abstraction since his formative training during the apogee of Minimalism. While Rodríguez's early work drew inspiration from Piet Mondrian, Frank Stella and Mark Rothko—whose paintings he encountered at MoMA—his work soon came to reference historical, emotional and political subjects often deemed antithetical to pure formalism. RSVP here.

First comes the physical: the hard-edged abstraction of the 70s joins content in the form of human figures; sensual references to music, dancing and culture emerge. In the 80s, crisp geometric lines co-exist with fluid, loose brushstrokes. Sensuality again breaks through. The 90s see the historical and political take center stage: color and form combine with sugar, dirt, ground glass and peppercorns to evoke the European "Encounter" with the New World. Priestly vestments and slashed canvases reference the sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church. With the new millennium again comes the political: references to NY Magazine's "Best Doctors" question the supposed expertise of the art establishment. This is not your average geometry. This exhibition is on view thru August 5th.c
Wednesday | June 3 | 5:00-9:00pm
Bronx Trolley First Wednesday Arts & Culture Tour
Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos
450 Grand Concourse at 149th Street

Bronx Council on the Arts' Bronx Trolley First Wednesday Arts & Culture Tour rolls again on June 3rd with an evening of exhibitions at BCA's Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos, Bronx Museum of the Arts, Pregones Theater, Bronx Documentary Center, Bronx River Art Center @ BronxArtSpace and WallWorks Gallery. Hop on and off the trolley at the hottest cultural spots along the lower Grand Concourse. Additionally, the evening will include a book signing and reading at the Bronx Museum of the Arts. The evening begins and ends at Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos on the campus of Hostos Community College. Admission to venues is free and all are welcome!

Click here for June 3rd's trolley night venues and activities.

Wednesday | June 10 | 6:00pm
2015 BRIO Awards Presentation
Longwod Art Gallery @ Hostos
450 Grand Concourse at 149th Street

BCA invites you to join us on Wednesday, June 10th as we recognize 25 new BRIO winners for artistic excellence at the 2015 BRIO award presentation at Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos. The event marks the 26th anniversary of BCA and BRIO celebrating artistic excellence in the Bronx since 1989. BRIO winners, past and present, are invited to socialize and network while welcoming the 2015 BRIO Winners into the fold. Admission is free and all are welcome. Please RSVP here.
Click the photo for a printable PDF of this year's winners.
Funded Projects of BCA's 2015 Grantees
Bronx Council on the Arts' 2015 Arts Fund, Community Arts Grant and Artist for Community grantees won awards to produce, perform and create community engagement projects in the Bronx, taking place between the months of January and December 31, 2015. Most events are free or low cost and can be enjoyed by all ages. Visit BCA's 2015 Funded Projects webpage for information on upcoming events of this year's grantees.

For more information on the projects, contact the funded artist or organization. For information on BCA grants, contact Sabrina Cedeno at

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