Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Fwd: INCREASE IN CREDIT CARD SURCHARGE | Street Hail Livery (Boro Taxi) Information Sessions

TLC News
New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission

June 17, 2014

To All Interested Parties:

Industry Notice #14-27
June 17 2014

For Immediate Release


Effective June 22, 2014, the credit card surcharge will increase for all leases. For daily leases, the credit card surcharge will now be $11 per shift (up from $10 per shift). For weekly fleet leases, the credit card surcharge will now be $66 per week (up from $60 per week). For weekly Driver-Owned Vehicle (DOV) leases, the credit card surcharge will now be $132 per week (up from $120 per week).

Why is the Credit Card Surcharge Increasing?

Since September 30, 2012, drivers have paid a flat credit card surcharge per shift or per week instead of a 5-percent fee based off of credit card transactions. Under TLC Rules §58-21(c)(5)(xi)(D), TLC reviews credit card fares each June and December to determine if the credit card processing surcharge covers five percent of the average total credit card fares collected within a shift. In December 2013, TLC performed the review using taxi trip data collected through TPEP. From August through November 2013, average credit card fares totaled $212.68 per shift, yielding a calculated surcharge of $11 per shift. For weekly fleet leases, the credit card surcharge increases from $60 to $66 per week. For weekly DOV leases, the credit card surcharge increases from $120 to $132 per week.

To All Interested Parties:

Industry Notice #14-26
June 17 2014

For Immediate Release

Street Hail Livery (Boro Taxi)
Information Sessions
Up to 6,000 New SHL Permits will be
issued beginning in August 2014

The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) will be hosting information sessions for licensees who have applied for or purchased a Street Hail Livery (SHL) permit or base endorsement.

We encourage any and all to attend an information session about the second issuance of SHL permits, which will be sold in mid to late August. These information sessions are for drivers, vehicle owners, base owners, and passengers who would like to gather more information about the second issuance of permits. At these sessions, licensees will have the opportunity to speak with TLC staff and ask questions about the licensing process. Please make sure to arrive on time as capacity is limited and you may be turned away.

Questions? E-mail

17de junio, 2014

Noticias de la Industria #14-26

Para publicación inmediata


Sesiones de Información de
Taxis de los Condados
Hasta 6,000 nuevos permisos serán
emitidos empezando agosto 2014

La Comisión de Taxis y Limusinas de nueva york organizó sesiones de información para concesionarios que aplicaron o compraron un permiso para operar un Taxi de los Condados o base de Taxi de los Condados.

Animamos a todos a asistir cualquiera de las siguientes sesiones informativas sobre la segunda emisión de permisos de Taxi de Los Condados, lo cual se venderán en los mediados o finales de agosto. Estas sesiones informativas son para choferes, dueños de taxi sin medallón (FHV), dueños de base de FHV, y pasajeros que quieren más información sobre la segunda emisión de permisos. En estas sesiones, los concesionarios de la TLC tendrán la oportunidad de hablar con personal de la TLC y preguntar sobre el proceso de ser licenciado. Por favor tenga en cuenta a llegar a tiempo porque hay capacidad limitada y es posible que no le permitan entrar.

Calendario de Sesiones de Información:

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