Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fwd: This week from BCA: March 15th Recycle Art Free Family Craft Workshop with Star Nigro in Westchester Square

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BCA's Familt Craft Workshop
Recycle Art with Start Nigro
Saturday | March 15, 2014 | 12:30-3:00pm
Huntington Free Library in Westchester Square
9 Westchester Square (next to Apple Bank)
Join artist Star Nigro as she shows you cool and clever ways to make great eco art. Learn to construct a masterpiece by creatively recycling old & new elements. Make eco-logical art. Fun for everyone!
Admission is free, but seats are limited!
Reserve your seat here
Star Nigro is talented and multi-faceted photographer whose vision, understanding of the human spirit and capacity to capture beauty forms a base for her to create new mediums from Jewelry to Photo Sculpture. Star was born in Woodstock, NY, the colony of the arts, where she currently dwells and has a studio. She became interested in photography after exploring the medium of drawing sculpting and painting. She graduated with a B.F.A in photography from the Art Institute of Boston at Lesly College. Her work has received exceptional reviews in various newspapers, including this recent one in the Boston Globe.
For information, call 718-931-9500 x33 or 718-829-7770.
On the day of the workshop, please call 917-972-2386 for information.
Visit regularly for updates on the 2014 Saturday Family Craft workshop series as well as other programs and activities of the Bronx Council on the Arts.

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