Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Another ObamaCare Delay

Another ObamaCare Delay


The Washington Post reports that the "Obama administration has decided to give extra time to Americans who say that they are unable to enroll in health plans through the federal insurance marketplace by the March 31 deadline."
The Post says that "people will be able to qualify for an extension by checking a blue box on to indicate that they tried to enroll before the deadline. This method will rely on an honor system; the government will not try to determine whether the person is telling the truth." Also, "an exact time frame for this extension has not been set...Nor have officials decided precisely how long people will have to select a health plan after they get the extra time."
But even after this latest ObamaCare improvisation expires, many patients will still be able to buy coverage under existing rules that allow for later sign-ups. "Those include people who have a new baby, are getting a divorce, lose a job with health insurance or had a technical problem signing up for coverage through," adds the Post. And of course "people will still be trusted to tell the truth about why they need more time — a method known as 'self-attestation.'"
This week's hurried rewrite of ObamaCare rules will help the administration try to meet its lowered expectation of 6 million customers. But it also shines a light on one of the reasons the new policies will be so costly: Patients are able to buy coverage after learning they will need medical care. An insurance pool of only self-selected sick patients is not really insurance at all, but simply a mechanism for paying the costs of care. And those costs are certain to rise.

Read today's full column »

Monday, March 24, 2014

Fwd: March 31: Last Day to Enroll in Health Insurance through the Marketplace

March 31: Last Day to Enroll in Health Insurance through the Marketplace

If you don't have health insurance, or would like to change your coverage, you still have time to apply. March 31 is the last day you can enroll in 2014 coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. 

After March 31, you won't be able to apply until the next open enrollment, unless you experience a qualifying life event

Get more information on how to apply for health coverage.

This email was sent to from: • General Services Administration • OCSIT • 1800 F Street, NW • Washington DC 20405 • (800) 333-4636.  

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fwd: Notify NYC - Notification

Notification issued 3/16/14 at 1:35 PM. The Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City is accepting contributions to assist the individuals, families, and businesses affected by the building collapse that occurred at 116th Street and Park Avenue in Manhattan on Wednesday, 3/12. Those wishing to contribute or gain additional information about the Mayor’s Fund may visit or call 311.

El Fondo de la Alcaldía para la Promoción de la Ciudad de Nueva York está aceptando contribuciones para colaborar con las personas, familias y empresas afectadas por el derrumbe de edificios ocurrido en 116th Street y Park Avenue, Manhattan el miércoles 12 de marzo. Las personas que deseen colaborar u obtener más información sobre el Fondo de la Alcaldía pueden visitar o llamar al 311.

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Sender's Name: Notify NYC
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Sender's Contact Phone: 212-639-9675

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fwd: This week from BCA: March 15th Recycle Art Free Family Craft Workshop with Star Nigro in Westchester Square

Sent by: Bronx Council on the Arts
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BCA's Familt Craft Workshop
Recycle Art with Start Nigro
Saturday | March 15, 2014 | 12:30-3:00pm
Huntington Free Library in Westchester Square
9 Westchester Square (next to Apple Bank)
Join artist Star Nigro as she shows you cool and clever ways to make great eco art. Learn to construct a masterpiece by creatively recycling old & new elements. Make eco-logical art. Fun for everyone!
Admission is free, but seats are limited!
Reserve your seat here
Star Nigro is talented and multi-faceted photographer whose vision, understanding of the human spirit and capacity to capture beauty forms a base for her to create new mediums from Jewelry to Photo Sculpture. Star was born in Woodstock, NY, the colony of the arts, where she currently dwells and has a studio. She became interested in photography after exploring the medium of drawing sculpting and painting. She graduated with a B.F.A in photography from the Art Institute of Boston at Lesly College. Her work has received exceptional reviews in various newspapers, including this recent one in the Boston Globe.
For information, call 718-931-9500 x33 or 718-829-7770.
On the day of the workshop, please call 917-972-2386 for information.
Visit regularly for updates on the 2014 Saturday Family Craft workshop series as well as other programs and activities of the Bronx Council on the Arts.

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Fwd: Notify NYC - Silver Alert


Silver Alert issued 3/13/14 at 1:05 PM. NYPD has issued a Silver Alert for the disappearance of Ernestina Lopez, female, Hispanic, 73 years old, from Ford Street and Webster Avenue in The Bronx. Ms. Lopez was last seen in the area of 188 Street and Washington Avenue in The Bronx yesterday, March 12th, at approximately 10:30 AM. She is 5'2" tall, 148 pounds, and was last seen wearing a white blouse, black shoes, a black hat, grey pants, and a black coat. Ms. Lopez suffers from Alzheimer's Disease and dementia. If you see Ms. Lopez or have any information regarding her whereabouts, please call 911.    The sender included the following attachment:    The sender provided the following contact information.     Sender's Name: Notify NYC     Sender's Email:     Sender's Contact Phone: 2126399675    

Monday, March 10, 2014

Robert Johnson wants to add your birthday to their calendar,

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Immigrants who overstay can apply for green card if married to a citizen

Immigrants who overstay can apply for green card if married to a citizen

Q: My girlfriend came here as a visitor from Europe under the ESTA program. I am a U.S. citizen. If she overstays and then we marry, can she nevertheless get her green card here? I understand that under the ESTA program, my girlfriend can stay here for up to 90 days, though she does not have a visa.

Immigrants who overstay can apply for green card if married to a citizen
Allan Wernick
Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:00:21 GMT

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fwd: Health Department Investigating Measles Outbreak in Northern Manhattan and the Bronx

Health E-News
The New York City                                            Department of Health and                                            Mental Hygiene
Health E-News March 7, 2014

Health Department Investigating Measles Outbreak in Northern Manhattan and the Bronx

Department urges all New Yorkers to make sure they are vaccinated against measles
Infants should be vaccinated at 12 months of age

Injuries among Older                                            AdultsThe Health Department announced today that it has identified 16 cases of measles in northern Manhattan and the Bronx. Seven adult cases and 9 pediatric cases have been identified to date. New Yorkers are urged to make sure all household members, including young children, are vaccinated. To date, there have been four hospitalizations as a result of this outbreak.

Learn more

Learn more about Measles

Measles Information for Health Care Providers

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fwd: Add your name: It's time to raise the wage

Add your name: It's time to raise the wage

Hello, everyone --

Several weeks ago, I met Semethia and Anna.

Semethia's a 36-year-old single mom. Her son hopes to go to college one day. Her daughter wants to take gymnastics lessons. But with a service job that pays just $8.25 an hour, Semethia relies on food stamps and help from friends and family just to keep food on the table -- much less build the future she'd like for her kids.

Anna works as a tip server at two local D.C. restaurants. She doesn't yet have to support a family, but she still struggles to make ends meet when she's relying on tips to get by -- and she sees the tough decisions her colleagues make every day. One of her coworkers recently missed her son's birthday party in order to cover a shift -- that's how badly she needed the money to support her family.

You see, when we talk about the kind of folks whose lives will be made better by raising the minimum wage, we're not talking about a couple teenagers earning extra spending money to supplement their allowance. We're talking about providers and breadwinners. Working Americans with bills to pay and mouths to feed.

And right now, millions of them are trying to do that on just $7.25 an hour.

We can change that. We can raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, we can do it right now, and we should. If you agree that it's high time we do -- that America's workers deserve a raise -- then add your name right here.

The President said this in his State of the Union, and we can't lose track of it: Here in America, no one working full-time should have to raise a family in poverty.

Think about that for a second: Right now, around the country, there are parents who, despite working full-time jobs, are living below the poverty line. We're better than that.

It's time to raise the wage -- click                                if you agree.

This is the right thing to do for our workers, and it's the right thing to do for our economy. If you agree, then say so here: It's time to raise the federal minimum wage.

Thank you,


Secretary Tom Perez
Department of Labor


Shortest St. Patrick's Parade in Bronx

Shortest St. Patrick's Parade in Bronx

An Irish pub in the Bronx looking to step up the fight against hunger has set off a Celtic conflict with a small Arkansas town. An Beal Bocht Cafe in Kingsbridge will stage what its proprietors are calling the “World’s Shortest St.

Shortest St. Patrick's Parade in Bronx
Denis Slattery
Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:00:29 GMT

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fwd: Medallion Auction Notice

TLC News
New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission

March 04, 2014

To All Interested Parties:

Industry Notice #14-09
March 04, 2014

For Immediate Release

Notice of Medallion Sale

The New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission wishes to announce that 32 Accessible Minifleet Medallions will be offered for sale, in lots of two, through the receipt of sealed competitive bids.  The TLC will receive bids in person on March 19, 20, 21 and 24, 2014, from 9:00 A.M. through 12:00 Noon at its offices at 33 Beaver Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10004.  These bids will be publicly opened on March 25, 2014, commencing at 11:00 A.M. at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center, Borough of Manhattan Community College, 199 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007.  TLC’s offices and the auction facility are wheelchair accessible.

  • All interested bidders must submit their sealed bids on March 19, 20, 21 and 24, 2014, between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon at the NYC TLC, 33 Beaver Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10004.
  • All bid packages must be delivered by hand.  Please be prepared to present an ID to enter 33 Beaver Street.
  • Bids will not be accepted by mail.
  • The deadline to submit Bid Packages is 12:00 Noon on Monday, March 24, 2014.
  • All 32 medallions included in this auction have been set aside for use with wheelchair-accessible vehicles. 
  • The 2 highest non-winning bids will be held for Reserve Status.
  • The minimum upset price for Accessible Minifleet Medallions is $850,000 per medallion or $1,700,000 per lot.

Bid packages, bidding instructions, bidder requirements, ownership requirements and further details are available online at and at all TLC facilities.   

Any request for a sign language interpreter or other form of reasonable accommodation for a disability at the March 25, 2014 auction must be submitted in writing, by telephone, or by TTY/TDD no later than March 19, 2014, to the Office of Legal Affairs at:

Taxi and Limousine Commission
33 Beaver St., 22nd Floor
New York, New York 10004
Telephone: 212-676-1135

Visit Taxi and Limousine Commission Web site at:

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Fwd: Health Department Announces Annual Nicotine Patch and Gum Program Starts Today

Health E-News
The New York City                                            Department of Health and                                            Mental Hygiene
Health E-News March 4, 2014

Health Department Announces Annual Nicotine Patch and Gum Program Starts Today

From Tuesday, March 4-April 1, New Yorkers who want to quit smoking can apply for free nicotine patches and gum by calling 311 or through

Injuries among Older                                            AdultsThe Health Department today kicks off its ninth annual nicotine patch and gum program to help New Yorkers quit smoking. The program, in partnership with the New York State Smokers' Quitline, will run through April 1st. Since the nicotine patch and gum program began in 2006, it has helped almost 300,000 adult New Yorkers quit smoking and contributed to the city's multi-pronged effort to reduce the prevalence of adult smoking to 15.5% and youth smoking to 8.5%. To coincide with the patch and gum giveaway, the Health Department will run a series of powerful ads on television featuring Marie, a New Yorker who began smoking in high school. In her early forties, Marie was diagnosed with a disease caused by smoking that, over time, led to amputations of her foot, leg, and some fingers. She has been smoke-free since 2006 when she called 311 for help to quit, and has become a national spokesperson for quitting smoking.

Learn more

NYC Quits!

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