Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fw: The Bronx Council on the Arts and ArtHome present CreativeMoney Workshops for Artists


The Bronx Council on the Arts and ArtHome
present CreativeMoney Workshops for Artists

Wednesday, September 19th & 26th, 6:15 - 8:15pm
at Poe Park & Visitors Center



The Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) is 
partnering with ArtHome to bring a new and innovative mini-series of workshops to artists and independent workers in the Bronx on two consecutive Wednesdays, September 19th and 26th, from 6:15-8:15pm, at Poe Park & Visitor Center located at 2640 Grand Concourse, between East Kingsbridge Road and East 192 Street. Doors open at 6:00pm. Both workshops will be facilitated by ArtHome's Esther Robinson (pictured right). Program begins promptly at 6:15pm. Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome.
ArtHome's CreativeMoney workshops and self-assessment tools help artists chart a course to financial literacy, personal financial stability, optimum credit access, small business success and income-appropriate homeownership. Designed by and for active artists, CreativeMoney utilizes the proven expertise of a board of financial advisors and the real world experience of 21st century art making. Utilizing signature systems like: The Artist's Core Strengths Strategy, Small Steps/Big Change Goal Setting and ArtHome's custom-built financial worksheets and tool-sets; they help artists imagine, chart and build a road to financial solvency, security and stability. 
September 19th's Workshop: CreativeMoney Homeownership Basics
Have you ever dreamed of owning your own home? Even if it's years away, there are easy steps you can take to prepare now! Come learn the basics from a fellow artist:
  • Why and How Homeownership can Benefit Artists.
  • The Steps to Owning a Home (including ones you can start right away even if this is a far away goal).
  • New York City Programs and Services offered by The New York Mortgage Coalition that can assist you in your journey.
Admission is free, but seating is limited.
September 26th's Workshop: CreativeMoney Balance Basics
Are you ready to make a change? Learn to navigate your financial life with creativity, clarity and strength. Create opportunities instead of responding to crisis. Learn from a fellow artist how to bring your creative and financial lives into dynamic balance. Learn to use your creativity to create solvency, stability, and security. Using fun straightforward language and artist-centric tools we will cover:
  • The Artist Core Strengths.
  • How to Re-imagine your Relationship to Money.
  • Producing Creative Progress not Creative Debt.

Admission: $20. Seating is limited.

RSVP and submit payment at

No Payment will be accepted at the door.
For additional information on this workshop or other events presented by the Bronx Council on the Arts, call 718-931-9500, e-mail, or visit BCA's web pages at

Funding for these workshops was provided the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NYS Council on the Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation, the Scherman Foundation, and Council Member James Vacca.

BCA SloganPhil Cardone | Information Manager
Phone: 718-931-9500 x 33
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Bronx Council on the Arts
1738 Hone Ave
Bronx, New York 10461

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