Saturday, March 3, 2012

Former Bronx ADA Pleads Guilty To DUI, Won't Serve Any Jail Time

Former Bronx ADA Pleads Guilty To DUI, Won't Serve Any Jail Time

Former Bronx ADA Pleads Guilty To DUI, Won't Serve Any Jail Time The former Bronx Assistant District Attorney who was charged with a DWI after an accident on the Major Deegan Expressway pleaded guilty to drunk driving this morning—and got off with no jail time as a result. Jennifer Troiano, who was allegedly "treated like a queen" and given preferential treatment after the accident, was fired from her job Jan. 13, and she was apologetic in court today: "I accept responsibility for my actions," she told the judge. "It was my distinct honor to serve the people of Bronx County as an assistant district attorney. Finally, I am deeply sorry for what I have done and harm I've caused others." [ more › ]
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Former Bronx ADA Pleads Guilty To DUI, Won't Serve Any Jail Time
Ben Yakas
Fri, 02 Mar 2012 22:24:00 GMT

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