Friday, November 6, 2015

Fwd: Come Mingle with BCA and PEN on Nov 12 at Bronx Museum of the Arts!

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Bronx Council on the Arts invites you
to our borough's first PEN Mingle on
Nov 12 at the Bronx Museum of the Arts

The Bronx Council on the Arts invites you to join us!

Thursday | November 12, 2015 | 6:00-8:00pm
Bronx Museum of the Arts
2nd floor North Wing, 1040 Grand Concourse


The Bronx Council on the Arts would like to invite you to our borough's first PEN Mingle, to be held at Bronx Museum of the Arts on Thursday, November 12th, from 6:00-8:00pm — in partnership with PEN American Center, the world's leading organization for the advancement of literature and the defending of freedom of expression.
This Mingle will be co-hosted by BCA Bronx Writers Center Director Charlie Vázquez and teaching artist and performer Caridad "La Bruja" de la Luz, who participated in BCA's Bronx WritersCorps, a private program that bolsters the writing and speaking skills of at-risk youth living in detention and homeless shelters — in some of the nation's most economically-challenged neighborhoods. Representatives from all three organizations will be in attendance and RSVP is required.

The Bronx Museum is pleased to host PEN American Center's first Mingle, in partnership with Bronx Council on the Arts' Bronx Writers Center. Mingles are social gatherings hosted at venues throughout the city that create bridges to new communities. We hope you can join us for an evening of drinks, engaging conversation and updates on defending free speech at home and abroad.
Meet other writers and artists from New York City, as they converge for this breakthrough event in support of freedom of expression, something of special value to Bronxites and to the people from all over the world who move here. Representatives from all three organizations will be on-hand to speak to attendees about how to get involved in the movement. Flyer.

Location: Bronx Museum of the Arts

2nd floor North Wing, 1040 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10456

Phone: 718-681-6000

This is a FREE event but reservations are required
by Tuesday, November 10, 2015.
RSVP here.

Questions? Contact Charlie Vázquez at 718-931-9500 x21 or

About the co-hosts:

Whether singing on Telemundo, performing on HBOs Def Poetry Jam, or appearing in History Channel docu-dramas, modern day renaissance woman La Bruja refuses to be put in a box. Her unique creativity and charisma have taken her from appearances in a Spike Lee film to running writing workshops for inner-city youth and even modeling for Levis in Glamour and Marie Claire. With her debut album Brujalicious, this dynamic, gifted performer infused hip-hop and reggaeton with her irresistible blend of potent intelligence, hot sensuality and lyrical skill.
Charlie Vázquez is a published author and poet as well as Director of the Bronx Writers Center at the Bronx Council on the Arts. A Bronx native, he is the New York City Coordinator for Puerto Rico's Festival de la Palabra — an international literary celebration that brings him in touch with prize-winning journalists, novelists and poets from around the world. You can follow him on his Facebook author page or on Twitter @CharlieVazquez.

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