Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fwd: Amiri Baraka Day

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Subject: Amiri Baraka Day
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 23:02:05 -0400
From: Jazz on the Tube <>

Talib    Writer Amiri Baraka was born on October 7,  1934 in Newark, New Jersey.    Baraka, born Everett LeRoi Jones, was an  Air Force sergeant before being discharged  for his communist political views.    In 1958, he moved to Greenwich Village, New  York, where he began writing about music,  racism, and black nationalism.    He is the author of Blues People, a definitive  text about the history of black music.    Baraka performs "Class Struggle in Music #1"  featuring David Murray and Steve McCall in  this 1982 recording.    Warning - this piece contains profanity.    Video:    - Lester Perkins  Jazz on the Tube     P.S. Please share Jazz on the Tube with your  friends and colleagues.     If they like jazz, they're going to love this.    Send your friends to this link and tell  them what we do...    ================================    Do you like what we do?    Please considering supporting our efforts  with a contribution. Thanks!    Details here:    ================================      Jazz on the Tube  PO Box 145  Tivoli NY 12583  USA          

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