Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fwd: 'Seeing It Through' FREE Professional Development Workshop Series in September!

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Seeing It Through is a curated professional development workshop series offering assistance to creative people, organizations, and those seeking cultural grants.

ccccccccccccc,cSaturday | September 19, 2015 | 12:00-2:00pm
Seeing Red:
Editing and Revising Your Fiction
w/ Richie Narvaez of Mystery Writers of America – New York

Poe Park Visitor Center
2640 Grand Concourse | 718-365-5516

You've finished a draft of your story, but don't send it out yet! You only have one chance to impress an agent or publisher. Take the time to edit and revise your manuscript. Find out what to look for and get some easy tips for how to fix plot holes, clunky language and other common mistakes. Bring a finished draft to work on!

Admission is Free, but RSVP is required.

cccccccccccccccSaturday | September 19, 2015 | 2:00-3:00pm
cArtist Statement vs. Bio
w/ Morgan Tachco of Brooklyn Arts Council

Morris Park Public Library
985 Morris Park Avenue | 718-931-0636

Geared toward individual artists, this workshop will address the difference between two very different tools: your artist statement and your biography. We'll address the audience for each, the necessity of having both, and how the practice of writing and maintaining these can inform your creative practice. Workshop will include writing exercises, and participants will leave with preliminary drafts.

Admission is Free, but RSVP is required.

cccccccccccc,cSaturday | September 26, 2015 | 2:00-3:30pm

Every Goal Has a Silver Lining
w/ writer, poet, and BCA teaching artist Orlando Ferrand

Poe Park Visitor Center
2640 Grand Concourse | 718-365-5516

I use my own experience and yours as a framework for the workshop/mini seminar. This highly interactive session will have a concrete emphasis on every stage of the process from concept idea and logistics to execution. However, the overall workshop goal is to provide participants with the know-how and tools necessary to develop attainable goals throughout a project's lifetime. Whether your work is made for traditional exhibition, publication and performance spaces or is pushing the boundaries into new territory, setting goals for your work is a crucial career development skill. There will be a consult and follow-up with attendees working on specific projects as well as on the spot coaching for those starting new projects, or brainstorming to start-up projects using prompts given in the workshop.

Admission is Free, but RSVP is required.



Contact Sabrina at 718.931.9500 x22 or

This series is made possible with funding from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NYS Council on the Arts, the Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation, Auchincloss Foundation, Inc., and NYC Council Members James Vacca, Andrew Cohen, Andy King and Melissa Mark-Viverito.

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