Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fwd: Notify NYC - NYS Missing Vulnerable Adult

Alert issued 6/27/15 at 12:42 PM. NYPD has issued a Missing Vulnerable Adult Alert for Marshall Kaplan, an 81-year old white male from Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan. Mr. Kaplan has dementia and a severely hunched back. He is described as being 5'8" and 145 pounds, with gray hair and brown hair. He was last seen at his residence on Amsterdam Avenue on Friday, June 26 at 12:00 PM. Mr. Kaplan is believed to be driving a 2012 green Toyota Prius with NY registration AHX-2237 and may be traveling to Cold Spring, NY (Putnam County). He may appear confused or disoriented and may be in need of medical attention. If you see Mr. Kaplan, please call NYPD at (800) 577-8477 or dial 9-1-1. A missing poster is available below.

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Sender's Name: Notify NYC
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Sender's Contact Phone: (212) 639-9675

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