Monday, April 20, 2015

Fwd: DOHMH Warns New Yorkers of Dangers of "Synthetic Marijuana" After Increase in Emergency Department Visits

The New York City                                            Department of Health and                                            Mental Hygiene
Health E-News April 20, 2015

DOHMH Warns New Yorkers of Dangers of "Synthetic Marijuana" After Increase in Emergency Department Visits

Between April 8 and April 15, more than 120 emergency department visits related to "synthetic marijuana" were detected by DOHMH

The Health Department warns New Yorkers not to use synthetic cannabinoids - most commonly referred to as "synthetic marijuana" - after a significant increase in emergency department visits. Between April 8 and April 15, more than 120 emergency department visits related to synthetic cannabinoids were detected by the Health Department. During the first few months of 2015, an average of two to three synthetic-marijuana related emergency department visits occurred each day.

Read the press release

Learn more about synthetic marijuana

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