Friday, October 24, 2014

Fwd: Bulb Planting Jubilee, Kids Geology Workshop, Dyckman Valley Tour with Sid Horenstein, Autumn Bloom Guide and More

**Travel Back in Time in the Dyckman Valley, Celebrate the Columnade  and Kids Rock N' Roll Geoloy Program**    It's My Park Day: Bulb Planting With the Friends Committee    Sunday, October 26    10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.    Meet at Margaret Corbin Circle    Join the Friends Committee of the Fort Tryon Park Trust to beautify  the Fort Washington slope of Fort Tryon Park. Plant bulbs, clear  invasives, paint, and more. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes.    Improvements in Fort Tryon Abound    NYC Park's contractors are making Progress on the $900,000 capital  project at the park's southwest corner, adjacent to the Billings  Arcade. Next summer, this construction area will be reopened and its  phenomenal views and historic pathways enjoyed.    Over the summer, NYC Parks Arts & Antiquities and the FortTryon Park  Trust partnered on the restoration of the Columnade sculpture, the  park's permanent art-installation created by Colombian artist  Eduardo-Ramirez Villamizar in 1973. To visit the Columnade, take a  stroll past the New Leaf Restaurant and down the staircase towards Sir  William's Dog Run or walk up the park pathways from Broadway/Ellwood  past the Gazebo.    Sid Horenstein's Dyckman Valley Walking Tour    Sunday, October 26    10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.    Meet in front of the Payson Center at Dyckman Street and Payson Avenue    Join Sidney Horenstein, geologist and Educator Emeritus, American  Museum of Natural History, as he leads his geology and natural history  walk along Dyckman Street, a valley along a fault line in Manhattan.     This program is generously sponsored by the Greenacre Foundation and  the Fort Tryon Park Trust.    Kids Rock n' Roll on Uptown's Geology with Dr. A    Saturday, November 1    3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.    Payson Center at Dyckman Street and Payson Avenue    Attention budding scientists and young geniuses at large: Join Dr.  Leonisa Ardizzone of Storefront Science to explore Uptown's geology.  Have you ever wondered how the Palisade Cliffs were formed, why Inwood  Hill Park has rock shelters or why we have a glacial pothole in Fort  Tryon Park? Come learn more from Dr. A!    Appropriate for Ages 6-11. Children must be accompanied by an adult.    Autumn is a great time to visit Fort Tryon with our abundance of  diverse foliage along the park's 8 miles of pathways or in the Heather  Garden. Get your October Heather Garden bloom list here  <>  .    For more information about upcoming free events and programs in Fort  Tryon Park, visit our website  <>   and "like" us on Facebook  <>  . To subscribe to our e-newsletter, email us here  <>  .        Powered by PHPlist, --          

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