Monday, April 28, 2014

Fwd: AUDITION NOW for the National Children's Chorus!

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The National Children's Chorus in New York City provides musically talented children the opportunity to learn and grow in an extraordinary environment. The finest instructors work with students to develop their vocal skills from the most basic concepts through the college level. Tone quality, breath support, and musical expression are cultivated within each individual singer, while working together as an ensemble culminates in world-class performances.

With a spectacular musicianship curriculum to accompany its first-rate vocal training, the National Children's Chorus is an unparalleled educational resource for children who love to sing! If your child has musical ability, don't waste another minute--set up an audition today!

Children ages 5 to 16 are welcome to apply.

The National Children's Chorus is currently accepting applications for the Fall 2014 Season. Auditions will be held on the evening of Thursday, May 1st, at The Church of Saint Paul the Apostle, near Columbus Circle.

To schedule an appointment, please click here
For more information, please visit our website

To contact our Administrative Office, please call 646-308-1744.

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