Derek Jeter Moves to Bronx Walk-up, Signs Councilwoman’s Suspicious Petition
Either the Yankees shortstop is bunking with New York Giant defensive tackle Rocky Bernard and sportscaster Joe Buck in a six-floor South Bronx walk-up, or there's something very wrong with City Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo's petitions to get on the ballot. The Daily News reports that her opponent, Julio Pabon, is challenging 3,437 of the 3,863 signatures she collected, which could leave her 25 ballots short. Eliot Spitzer, whose signatures are also being challenged, better hope his petitions don't include hundreds of sports stars and "Heywood Jablowme"s.
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Filed Under: early and awkward ,politics
Derek Jeter Moves to Bronx Walk-up, Signs Councilwoman’s Suspicious Petition
Margaret Hartmann
Fri, 19 Jul 2013 07:24:15 GMT