Tuesday, April 23, 2013

When to Throw Out Microwaveable Plastic Containers

When to Throw Out Microwaveable Plastic Containers

Reheating meals in plastic containers in the microwave is something that most of us probably do, but over time those containers start to break down and leach plastic into the food. According to The Wall Street Journal, knowing when to throw them out is easy.

When you heat up plastic, the chemicals inside can migrate out and into your food. It takes a while for that to happen, and you just need to watch out for a couple things:

The amount of chemicals leaching into food depends on the type of plastic that is put in the microwave, the time it is heated and the physical condition of the container, says Dr. Halden. Old, cracked containers and those that have been washed hundreds of times often give off more toxins when heated. Any deformities or discoloration are a sign it's time for the recycling bin.

And reheating foods heavy in cream and butter in plastic is always a bad idea. "Fatty foods absorb more of these harmful chemicals when heated," he says.

Of course, you can always skip the plastic container and use ceramic or glass instead. But if you're stuck with plastic, make sure you toss it out when it starts to get deformed or discolored.

Burning Question: Is it OK to Heat Food in Plastic? | The Wall Street Journal

Photo by Sarah.

When to Throw Out Microwaveable Plastic Containers
Thorin Klosowski
Tue, 23 Apr 2013 14:00:00 GMT

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