Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fw: BCA is accepting artist applications for SPARC

BCA Anniversary Logo-red                   SPARC Logo 2012  
SPARC 2012-2013
Program Announcement for Interested Artists

BCA is accepting artist applications for SPARC

The Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) is pleased to announce that after a very successful 2011-2012 season of Seniors Partnering with Artists Citywide (SPARC), the program is back for another year and is now accepting artist applications. SPARC is a community arts engagement program that places artists-in-residence at senior centers across the five boroughs of New York City.

The program provides selected artists with a stipend and access to workspace in senior centers in exchange for the creation and delivery of arts programming for seniors. Participating seniors will be engaged in an art project or series of cultural programs over the course of the residency, which will also include a public program component ─ exhibits, readings, performances, open houses and other cultural interactions open to the surrounding community. This initiative seeks to connect artists with seniors in senior centers and positively impact the well-being of seniors through arts-based activities.
BCA is particularly seeking applications from NYC residents (of any borough) who want to work with a Bronx senior center. Artists will be selected for SPARC through a competitive application process. Artists with bilingual Spanish/English skills are encouraged to apply.

For complete details, please visit the SPARC page of BCA's website at www.bronxarts.org/sparc.asp for this year's Guidelines and Application. Apply by October 31 and help us put a "SPARC" in the lives of Bronx seniors!

Artists who are interested in a SPARC residency with a senior center in another borough are encouraged to visit the website of that borough's local arts council for application materials and guidelines.

The submission deadline is October 31, 2012.

For additional information, contact John Sparaci at 718-931-9500 x 20 or jsparaci@bronxarts.org.

SPARC is a collaboration among the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, the Department for the Aging and the City's five local arts councils situated in each borough – Brooklyn Arts Council, Bronx Council on the Arts, Council on the Arts and Humanities of Staten Island, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and Queens Council on the Arts. It was developed as part of Age-Friendly NYC, a citywide effort to make the City more livable for seniors, and previously ran in 2011-2012 after a successful pilot called Space for Art in 2009. The 2012-2013 SPARC program is supported, in part, by public funds from the Department for the Aging.
BCA SloganPhil Cardone | Information Manager
Phone: 718-931-9500 x 33
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