FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26th 7:30PM, LIVE MUSIC: Dave Rogers on piano SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th 8PM, LIVE MUSIC: Campo & Ryan play semi acoustic guitar 10:30PM, Our Halloween line up continues as local author Sandee Harris reads from her new book "Mean Spirited Tales" From Stories for those unafraid to look...
Includes the tale of a sadist, a beheading, liver paté, alcoholism, and a slow rotting from the inside out -- with three homage's to death metal, one featuring Helen, a pseudo French Canadian gremlin, and Delia, her loyal half-sister from a non demonic paternal figure... 11:30PM, IRC Halloween Movie Night: Night of the Living Dead It draws us into its world gradually; content to establish a merely spooky atmosphere before leading us through a horrifically logical progression that we hardly could have anticipated. The story is simple: Radiation from a fallen satellite has caused the dead to walk, and hunger for human flesh. We follow a group holed up in small farmhouses who are trying to fend off the inevitable onslaught of the dead. Night of the Living Dead establishes savagery as a necessary condition of life. Marked by fatality and a grim humor, the film gnaws through to the bone, and then proceeds on to the marrow. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28th 12 - 2PM, Will Teez Bike Club The Inwood Cycling Club meets every Sunday outside of the Indian Road Café. Show up any time after 11am. We'll head out a bit after noon, leaving plenty of time to get properly caffeinated, hydrated and schmooze. Meet your neighbors, Rep Your Hood and get your ride on. Everybody's welcome, come one come all. 1 - 3:30PM, Sunday Songs with Steve Murphy Now in his third year at IRC, the Cafés longest running musical act plays piano medleys from The Beatles, Gershwin, Joel, Porter, Ragtime, Rogers and Hart, Broadway and a bit of opera. Impromptu solos of all styles receive a free drink or dessert. 7PM, LIVE MUSIC: Local Inwoodites "The Biscuit Rollers" play rock and blues MONDAY thru FRIDAY 4 - 7PM, Happy Hour at the bar TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30th 5PM, Mexican Street Food specials: Every Tuesday Chef Miguel Lopez cooks traditional street food from his native Mexico City. 7PM, Indian Road Knitting Circle Come on in, have a glass of wine, and knit. Come on in, have a glass of wine, and knit. This week - Halloween Body Part Mayhem! 9PM, LIVE EVENT: Famed pianist Joel Forrester plays piano to F.W. Murnau's silent NOSFERATU (1922) As noted critic Pauline Kael observed, "...this first important film of the vampire genre has more spectral atmosphere, more ingenuity, and more imaginative ghoulish ghastliness than any of its successors." WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st HALLOWEEN  5PM, Spooky Halloween food and drink specials all evening long 8 - 10PM, Pub Quiz with the Dr. Jordan, the Evil Mr. Phil & OJ the Imposter TONIGHT: Fozzie and George host A Very Scary Halloween Pub Quiz With a special Halloween costume contest and great prizes! |