Friday, February 24, 2012


Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum: ‘With Bravery and Distinction: The African-American Journey in Sea, Air and Space’ (through Wednesday) In celebration of Black History Month, this guided tour of the museum’s artifacts will focus on the contributions of African-American members of the military, with special attention given to those noted for bravery and innovations. That includes Jesse LeRoy Brown, the first African-American naval combat pilot, who was killed during the Korean War; and John Henry Turpin, known as Dick and born in 1876, who was one of the Navy’s first African-American chief petty officers and who assisted with the invention of the underwater cutting torch. The tour is recommended for those 6 and older, and reservations are recommended. Tuesday through Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Pier 86, 46th Street and 12th Avenue, Clinton, (877) 957-7447,; the tour fee, in addition to museum admission, is $20 or $15 for children 3 to 17; museum admission ranges from $12 to $24 (free for active and retired military members and children under 3). Tour reservations:

Morris-Jumel Mansion: Swing Dancing (Saturday) The second part of a swing dancing series focusing on its history and Harlem roots will take place at 1 p.m. Co-sponsored by the Harlem Swing Dance Association, the event, part of the museum’s Black History Month programming, will feature a dance lesson, refreshments and a presentation by Jonathan Gill, a scholar and author of “Harlem: The Four Hundred Year History From Dutch Village to Capital of Black America.” 65 Jumel Terrace, at Sylvan Terrace, Washington Heights, (212) 923-8008,; free.

New-York Historical Society: The 13th Amendment (Friday through Sunday, Tuesday through Thursday) On view at the Society through April 1 is a rare handwritten copy, signed by Lincoln, of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery. Viewing hours are Tuesday through Thursday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $15, $12 for teachers, $10 for students, $5 for those 7 to 13, and free for children under 7; through March 31, visitors showing a MetroCard will receive two-for-one adult admissions. 170 Central Park West, at 77th Street, (212) 873-3400,

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture: Obama Administration and the Economy (Saturday) How have the policies of the Obama administration affected our economy, and how have they compared with other administrations? That will be discussed by a group including Ta-Nehisi Coates, a senior editor at The Atlantic; Adam Serwer, a reporter for Mother Jones; and William Jelani Cobb, a professor at Rutgers University and author of ’‘The Substance of Hope: Barack Obama and the Paradox of Progress.” At 4 p.m., 515 Lenox Avenue, at 135th Street, Harlem, (212) 491-2040. free, but registration is suggested at



Black History Month at City College: Ben Vereen, Jazz, History and Hip-Hop(Friday through Wednesday) An array of cultural events will celebrate Black History Month on the uptown campus of the City College of New York and at the Center for Worker Education in Lower Manhattan. “Is Hip Hop History?,” a symposium with scholars, artists, businesspeople and students, will take place on Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Center for Worker Education; it costs $20 for one day or $30 for both, or $10 and $20 for students with I.D. On Friday at 7:30 p.m. on the uptown campus, a free jazz concert will feature George Brandon and the Blue Unity Orchestra playing the music of the Panamanian composer Jorge Sylvester and the Afro-Caribbean Experimental Collective in the North Academic Center Ballroom. On Monday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., the actor Ben Vereen will discuss the history of the black minstrel and his role portraying the vaudevillian Bert Williams at a free event in Aaron Davis Hall on the uptown campus; reservations: (212) 650-8117 or (212) 650-5352. And the exhibition “The Long Walk to Freedom,” honoring the contributions to the civil rights movement of 16 individuals, including the former Manhattan borough president, C. Virginia Fields; the singer Matthew Jones; and the union activist Moe Foner, will be on view in Aaron Davis Hall through Wednesday, daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Reservations for a closing reception on Tuesday, planned from 5 to 6:30 p.m., can be obtained at (212) 459-1854. City College of New York, West 135th Street and Convent Avenue, Hamilton Heights; Center for Worker Education, 25 Broadway, seventh floor, Lower Manhattan, (212) 925-6625,

‘Changed My Name’: A Gospel Cantata (Sunday) In celebration of Black History Month, the Middle Church Choir, directed by Jonathan Dudley, will perform this cantata by Linda Twine, who was inspired by spirituals and the lives of the abolitionists Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. At 11:15 a.m., Middle Collegiate Church, 112 Second Avenue at Seventh Street, East Village, (212) 477-0666,; free.

Walking Tours

Harlem Walking Tours (Saturday and Sunday) Two tours focusing on the history and cultural significance of the area are scheduled for this weekend. On Saturday, “Harlem Renaissance,” sponsored by the Municipal Art Society, will meet near the statue of Adam Clayton Powell Jr. at the intersection of 125th Street and Seventh Avenue, (212) 935-3960,; $15, or $10 for members. On Sunday, Big Onion Walking Tours will meet for a tour at 11 a.m. on the northwest corner of 135th Street and Lenox Avenue, (888) 606-9255;; $18, or $15 for students and 63+.

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