Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ticket-Fixing Tension Leads to Precinct House Fistfight

Ticket-Fixing Tension Leads to Precinct House Fistfight

July 28, 2011 11:53am | By Murray Weiss, DNAinfo Columnist

On the Inside
By Murray Weiss

Murray Weiss is an award-winning investigative journalist, author, columnist and editor, and is considered an expert on government, law enforcement, criminal justice, organized crime and terrorism.

A New York City police officer stands on patrol on April 6, 2010 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

The NYPD ticket-fixing scandal has tensions running so high in precinct houses around the city that it's being blamed for a fight between ranking officers that ended with a detective punching a lieutenant in the face, DNAinfo has learned.
The detective, a 24 year veteran, was suspended immediately following the fracas at the front desk of the 43rd Precinct in the Bronx.
No discipline, however, was taken against the lieutenant, who had slapped the detective's hand (he was pointing his finger) before the detective belted him.
“If this is the way management is going to handle things, slapping detectives, then they better start getting in shape,” a detective said.
While the two officers involved in the scuffle may not have had anything to do with fixing a ticket, their precinct house is ground zero for this scandal. The cop whose alleged criminal activities led to the chain of events that launched the widespread probe two years ago was a former union delegate from the 43rd Precinct.

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