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| C | dwwdANNOUNCEMENT: BCA's 2017 SU-CASA DEADLINE EXTENDED! | SU-CASA | Arts Programs for Seniors | ccc | Application Deadline Extended: Friday| December 9, 2016 | 11:59pm SU-CASA is a collaboration among the New York City Council, the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), the Department for the Aging (DFTA) and the City's five local arts councils – Bronx Council on the Arts, Brooklyn Arts Council, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Queens Council on the Arts and Staten Island Arts. The program began as SPARC (Seniors Partnering with Artists Citywide) in 2012 and was developed as part of Age-Friendly NYC, a citywide effort to make the City more livable for seniors. The program is funded in FY17 by New York City Council. It was developed as part of Age-Friendly NYC, a citywide effort to make the City more livable for seniors. Need Help? Dr.'s Hours available: Thursday | November 10th & 17th | 11:00am-3:00pm Please call 718 931-9500 x 35 for an appointment! | | | | |