-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: | Food Safety News - July 27, 2016 E. coli outbreak spreads as investigators trace ground beef |
Date: | Wed, 27 Jul 2016 07:11:23 -0400 |
From: | Food Safety News <info@foodsafetynews.com> |
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Subject: | Food Safety News - July 27, 2016 E. coli outbreak spreads as investigators trace ground beef |
Date: | Wed, 27 Jul 2016 07:11:23 -0400 |
From: | Food Safety News <info@foodsafetynews.com> |
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Subject: | Notify NYC - Silver Alert |
Date: | Tue, 19 Jul 2016 03:44:14 -0400 |
From: | Notify NYC <swnalert@sendwordnow.com> |
Reply-To: | r-swna-4253593639@PHX-mail.sendwordnow.com |
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The sender provided the following contact information. Sender's Name: Notify NYC
Sender's Email: notifynyc@oem.nyc.gov
Sender's Contact Phone: 1(212) 639-9675
July 14, 2016 To All Interested Parties: Industry Notice #16-12 For Immediate Release TLC ANNOUNCES NEW ONLINE-ONLY Starting July 14, 2016, applications for a TLC Driver's License must be submitted on-line. Fingerprints and photographs required for a license will no longer be done at TLC. Beginning on July 19, 2016, fingerprints and photographs will be done at ten different centers located throughout New York City. To apply, applicants must visit the TLC website at www.nyc.gov/lars. Beginning on July 14, this will be the only way to apply for a TLC driver's license. Starting on July 19, MorphoTrust will be handling fingerprints and photographs for TLC applications. Applicants who file an application between July 14 and July 19 will need to wait until July 19 to schedule their fingerprint\photo appointment. After July 19, once drivers apply online, they will be able to immediately schedule an appointment to have their fingerprints and photos taken. All driver applicants must complete the fingerprint and photo process, and submit all other licensing requirements within 90 days of applying. For a complete list of the requirements, please visit our web site at http://bit.ly/TLClicensing. If you have any questions about the changes, please e-mail the TLC at licensinginquiries@tlc.nyc.gov. Applicants can make an appointment by going to MorphoTrust's website at: http://www.identogo.com/FP/NewYork.aspx. Here are ten locations in New York City, as well as the hours, below:
Visit Taxi and Limousine Commission Web site at: This is the NYC.gov News you requested for: |