Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fwd: Notify NYC - Silver Alert

Begin forwarded message:

From: Notify NYC <>
Date: September 30, 2015 at 12:52:56 AM EDT
Subject: Notify NYC - Silver Alert

Silver Alert issued 9/30/15 at 12:52 AM. NYPD has issued a Silver Alert in regards to the disappearance of Arsenia Brown, an 80-year-old black female from the area of Spencer Street and Willoughby Avenue in Brooklyn. She is described as being 5'7" tall and 160lbs with black hair. She was last seen at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Brooklyn, NY, at approximately 6:30 PM on 9/28 wearing a black hat, blue jacket, dark pants and white sneakers. A photo of the missing is available at If you see Ms. Brown, please call 9-1-1.

The sender provided the following contact information.
Sender's Name: Notify NYC
Sender's Email:
Sender's Contact Phone: (212) 639-9675

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fwd: Join us for 'HOMENAJE: Jorge Soto Sanchez' Solo Exhibition

Sent by: Bronx Council on the Arts
Reply to the sender
Jorge Soto Sanchez
cccccccccccccccccccccccccccGladys Pena-Acosta, Curator
Image: Jorge Soto Sanchez, El velorio de Oller en Nueva York, 1975,Pen and ink on paper, 26" x 40"
Courtesy:Amy Balcazar

Wed|Oct 7, 2015
5:00 - 9:00 PM

HOMENAJE ("Homage"): Jorge Soto Sánchez, the first major exhibition of the late Nuyorican artist and Taller Boricua member since his passing in 1987. The opening reception will be held on Wednesday, October 7th, from 5:00-9:00pm, in conjunction with the Bronx Trolley: First Wednesday Arts & Culture Tour, at the Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos on the campus of Hostos Community College, 450 Grand Concourse at 149th Street in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx. Admission is free and all are welcome. The exhibition, curated by Gladys Peña-Acosta, will be on view through December 2nd.

The exhibit will feature two versions of Soto's best-known work, El velorio de Oller en Nueva York, after the iconic work of the Puerto Rican impressionist Francisco Oller (1833-1917). Other major works of the exhibition include Todo bien en America (1960s) and El Señor Gobernador (1977). Peña-Acosta stated that the exhibition was made possible by the good will of many private collectors. Two primary contributors to the exhibition are members of his family and El Museo del Barrio, both having graciously provided important pieces that have not been on public view since his untimely death.

Exhibition on view Oct 7 - Dec 2, 2015


For more info visit

Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos
450 Grand Concourse, Rm C-190

ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccSAVE THE DATE

Thursday, November 5 | 6-8 PM
Panel Discussion
Remembering Jorge Soto Sánchez: Collaborators and Friends

This public program is presented in conjunction with the exhibition.

For more info.

Contact 718.518.6728 or

This exhibition is sponsored by the Hostos Community College Foundation, with public funds from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs. Bronx Council on the Arts' Longwood Art Gallery receives support from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NYS Council on the Arts, the Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation, Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture, Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Inc., NY City Council Members Fernando Cabrera, Andrew Cohen, Melissa Mark-Viverito, James Vacca and BCA members.

This e-mail was sent from Bronx Council on the Arts
This e-mail is powered by                                            PatronMail...the innovative                                            e-marketing tool for the arts,                                            non-profits and creative                                            businesses.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Fwd: Health Department Investigating Cluster of Legionnaires’ Disease in Morris Park Section of the Bronx

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Health Department Investigating Cluster of Legionnaires' Disease in Morris Park Section of the Bronx
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 14:28:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: My News <>

The New York City                                            Department of Health and                                            Mental Hygiene
Health E-News September 28, 2015

Health Department Investigating Cluster of Legionnaires' Disease in Morris Park Section of the Bronx

Legionnaires' DiseaseThe Health Department is currently investigating a cluster of seven (7) Legionnaires' disease cases in the Morris Park section of the Bronx. This cluster is unrelated to the outbreak in the South Bronx this summer. Patients in the current cluster live or work in Morris Park, range in age from 45 to 75 and are all currently hospitalized. New Yorkers with respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, chills and difficulty breathing, are advised to promptly seek medical attention.

Read the press release

Learn more about Legionnaires' Disease

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Friday, September 25, 2015

Fwd: Did You Receive a Letter from the Census Bureau?

Did You Receive a Letter from the Census Bureau?

The next Census Survey won't take place until 2020. But, the Census Bureau recently sent out a letter to 1.2 million households asking them to fill out the 2015 National Contest Test.

The goal of the test is to improve questions and participation by testing out Internet options. If you received this letter, it's not a scam and you are required by law to fill it out. By responding, you are helping to improve the survey and test out some cost saving measures for the Census.

For more information, read the 2015 National Contest announcement and the section on frequently asked questions concerning the test.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fwd: Applying for U.S. Citizenship? Fees Are Now Payable via Credit Cards

Applying for U.S. Citizenship? Fees Are Now Payable via Credit Cards

Paying fees for U.S. naturalization paperwork just got a little easier. Effective September 19, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will accept credit cards as a way to pay for your naturalization application (Form N-400, $595) and your biometrics fee ($85). In the past, only checks or money orders were accepted.

When paying by credit card, you will also need to fill out form G-1450, authorizing the use of your card for the transaction. Be sure to attach it to your application form for mailing.

Learn more about becoming a U.S. Citizen through naturalization.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Fwd: Learn about Lifeline, a Phone Service Discount

The Lifeline program helps low-income households get telephone service by providing discounts that average $9.25 a month on one basic phone service (landline or wireless).

In order to enroll in Lifeline, potential subscribers must demonstrate their eligibility by showing proof of income or participation in a qualifying program.

Learn more about Lifeline and find out if you're eligible.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fwd: Last Chance - Deadline September 17th

Run on Team Central Park for the 2015 TCS NYC Marathon! Having trouble viewing this message? View it online.

<Central Park Conservancy
Team Central Park

Dear NAT,

Don't cool your heels! Your last chance to sign up for the 2015 TCS New York City Marathon on Team Central Park is September 17th. Show your team spirit and help us run the Park by joining the Team or inspiring a friend or family member to register to run.

In exchange for guaranteed entry, members of Team Central Park pledge to donate or raise through third-party donors a minimum of $3,500, in honor of Central Park Conservancy's 35th Anniversary. You have more than one month to fundraise and with a personal page on the community funding website, CrowdRise, and our fundraising guide, it has never been easier to hit the goal! In addition to guaranteed entry, Team members also have fantastic benefits, such as invitations to premier in Park events and a complimentary Belvedere Knight membership in our Conservator program.

Have questions? Feel free to email me at or call 212.446.2243 for more information.

Register Now


Warm Regards,

Lily Stellmann, Team Central Park Coordinator
Central Park Conservancy

Fwd: Find the Right Car Seat

Child booster seats in cars are not just for toddlers. Kids under five feet tall still need to be in a car seat, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Learn more about the right seat for your child's age and weight during this Child Passenger Safety Week.

Find the right car seat for your child.

You can also participate in the agency's Twitter Chat on Wednesday, September 16 from 2 PM to 3 PM ET using #therightseat. The event will help answer your questions on child passenger safety and how to register a car seat in the event of a recall.

Have more questions or need help installing your child's car seat? Locate a car seat inspection station.