Friday, November 21, 2014

Fwd: Health Department Launches New Texting Campaign to Help New Yorkers Sign Up For Health Insurance

Health E-News
The New York City                                            Department of Health and                                            Mental Hygiene
Health E-News November 21, 2014

Health Department Launches New Texting Campaign to Help New Yorkers Sign Up For Health Insurance

Text "CoveredNYC" or "SeguroNYC" to 877877 to receive information on how to enroll in a health insurance plan available through the Affordable Care Act

Call 311 to find help in multiple languages

Health Insurance                                            MarketplaceThe Health Department announced the launch of a new texting campaign to make it easier for New Yorkers to sign up for health insurance during the Affordable Care Act open enrollment period. New Yorkers can text "CoveredNYC" to 877877 to get connected with someone who can help them enroll for health insurance in person. To receive help in Spanish, New Yorkers can text "SeguroNYC" to 877877. The Health Department launched a texting campaign to reach uninsured New York City residents, particularly those in our most underserved communities. The open enrollment period began on Saturday, November 15 and will end on February 15, 2015.

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Fwd: BCA 2015 Community Arts Grant & Artists for Community Grant

Sent by: Bronx Council on the Arts
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BCA’s 2015 Community Arts Grant & Artists for Community Grant

BCA’s 2015 Community Arts Grant & Artists for Community Grant
Opening Monday, November 17, 2014

Combined "How to Apply" Workshops starting Sunday, November 23rd

Guidelines Available at:

The Community Arts Grant (CAG) is a local arts funding program supporting projects and activities that enable Bronx communities to experience and engage with the performing, literary, media and visual arts. All projects must benefit Bronx communities and be accessible to all.
This program provides support for arts and cultural projects to community-based organizations, groups, collectives or artists. Grants range from $1,000 to $5,000. Individual artists or collectives may apply through a fiscal sponsor or apply directly if working in partnership with a community-based nonprofit organization in the Bronx. Both fiscal and partnering organizations must meet the same eligibility as all nonprofit organizations applying for this grant!

The Artists for Community Grant (FKA The Individual Artists Tier) is a competitive arts grant program.
The goals of the program are to:
1) provide funding for artists to create new work in 2015;
2) to expand the scope of local arts activity and the participation of professional artists in communities across the Bronx; and
3) Highlight the role of the artist as a community resource.
Emphasis is placed on the quality and artistic merit of proposed projects and the depth and authenticity of community experience, participation and engagement. A maximum of four individuals are selected each year to receive a maximum of $2,500.

All applicants can submit a total of three requests between the Community Arts Grant and the Artists in Community Grant. However, each submission must be for a different project, and the total amount requested for all submitted projects cannot exceed $5,000.

Attendance to at least one "How to Apply" Workshop is mandatory for all applicants.
RSVP Here.

Information: 718-931-9500 x22 or

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Fwd: Sign up for Health Insurance Under the ACA - then what?

Sign up for Health Insurance Under the ACA - then what?



CMS ACA video series


The healthcare open enrollment period starts soon (November 15th) at - and lasts until February 15, 2015.

Go to the site to explore health insurance options so you can sign up for a plan. Once you've done that - then what? This video series from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will help you make the most of your coverage with:

  • Policy Tips
  • Help finding a Provider
  • Information on preparing for your first doctor visit
  • Words and terms to know 
  • Ways to live a long and healthy life

This email was sent to from: • General Services Administration • OCSIT • 1800 F Street, NW • Washington DC 20405 • (800) 333-4636.  

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Fwd: FREE ACCESS to global military records for Veterans Day

Discover the war hero in your past this Veterans Day
Start searching free



In honor of Veterans Day, search top military records, free.

In honor of Veterans Day, as well as the 100th anniversary of WWI, we’re offering free access to our top military collections, worldwide. Start exploring the largest online collection of military records for your family’s veterans in Draft Registration Cards. Find valuable clues such as rank, awards, battle details, and even hair and eye color.
Search records free
World War                                    I - Remembering 100 Years

*Free access to global military records runs through Nov. 11 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

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Monday, November 3, 2014

Fwd: Thanksgiving Dinner at Indian Road


Indian Road Cafe
   600 West 218th Street, New York, NY 10034 





Come join us for a 4 course traditional dinner sourced from from our friends at  

New York State farms


All entrées served with traditional stuffing, sautéed green beans  

and cranberry sauce.



Local Sugar Pumpkin Soup

pumpkin seed gratin



Roasted Local Brussels Sprout Salad

gorgonzola cream, fried cheese, pickled shallot,  

smoked pepper gelee



Free Range Heritage Turkey

giblet gravy


Slow Roasted Standing Rib Roast

thyme jus


Whole Roasted Trout

caperberry & lemon sabayon


Hudson Valley Duck Breast ala Plancha

maple-chili gastrique


Organic Root Vegetable Pot Pie

thumbelina carrots, parsnips, celery root, puff pastry



Petite Trio of Traditional Thanksgiving Treats

maple-bourbon pecan pie, apple pie, pumpkin tartlet



$42 per person/$65 with paired wine/

$20 children under 12 (soup & petite turkey plate)


Call for reservations: 212/942-7451

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Indian Road Cafe | 600 West 218th Street | New York | NY | 10034