Friday, August 29, 2014

Fwd: 9/11 Health (September, 2014)

9/11 Health E-News
9-11 Health: A Public                                            Information Resource
NYC 9/11 Health Update

September 2014

News Items of Note

Act Now: Preserve Your Right to Workers' Comp

Preserve your right to workers’ compensation if you participated in World Trade Center rescue, recovery, and clean-up after 9/11. Even if you don't need benefits now, protect your right to future benefits by filing a WTC-12 form with the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. The deadline is September 11, 2014.

More Information

  • Most people are eligible. You should file a WTC-12 form whether you were injured or not and whether you were employed or volunteered.
  • Eligible work/volunteering includes duty at Ground Zero, Fresh Kills Landfill, on the barges, the piers, and at the morgues.
  • Eligible work/volunteering must have occurred before 9/12/02.
  • All forms must be notarized and received by the Board by 9/11/14.
For questions, please call 855-WTC-2014.

Zadroga Act by the Numbers



The federal World Trade Center Health Program, now provides monitoring and treatment, including medications, with no out-of-pocket costs for both physical and mental health conditions related to the 2001 terrorist attacks no matter where you live now.

Apply online or call 888-982-4748 to have an application mailed to you.

Are You Enrolled in the WTC Health Registry?

Update your contact information here.


Recent Research

World Trade Center Disaster Exposure-Related Probable Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Responders and Civilians: A Meta-Analysis.

Liu B, Tarigan LH, Bromet EJ, Kim H. PLoS One. 2014 Jul 21;9(7):e101491. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101491. eCollection 2014

Estimating the Time Interval Between Exposure to the World Trade Center Disaster and Incident Diagnoses of Obstructive Airway Disease.

Glaser MS, Webber MP, Zeig-Owens R, et al. Am J Epidemiol. 2014 Jun 30. pii: kwu137. [Epub ahead of print]

Stress-Related Changes in Toddlers and Their Mothers Following the Attack of September 11.

Conway A, McDonough SC, MacKenzie MJ, et al. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2013 Oct;83(4):536-44. doi: 10.1111/ajop.12055

Acute High-Level Exposure to WTC Particles Alters Expression of Genes Associated with Oxidative Stress and Immune Function in the Lung.

Cohen MD, Vaughan JM, Garrett B, et al. J Immunotoxicol. 2014 Jun 9:1-14. [Epub ahead of print]

Unmet Mental Health Care Need 10-11 Years After the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: Results from 2011-2012 World Trade Center Health Registry.

Ghuman SJ, Brackbill RM, Stellman SD, et al. BMC Public Health. 2014 May 22;14(1):491. [Epub ahead of print]

The Upper Respiratory Pyramid: Early Factors and Later Treatment Utilization in World Trade Center Exposed Firefighters.

Niles JK, Webber MP, Liu X, et al. Am J Ind Med. 2014 Jun 4. doi: 10.1002/ajim.22326. [Epub ahead of print]

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and New-Onset Diabetes Among Adult Survivors of the World Trade Center Disaster.

Miller-Archie SA, Jordan HT, Ruff RR, Chamany S, Cone JE, Brackbill RM, Kong J, Ortega FM, Stellman SD. Prev Med. 2014 May 28. pii: S0091-7435(14)00182-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.05.016. [Epub ahead of print]

A Functional Polymorphism in a Serotonin Transporter Gene (5-HTTLPR) Interacts with 9/11 to Predict Gun-Carrying Behavior.

Barnes JC, Beaver KM, Boutwell BB. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 28;8(8):e70807. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070807. eCollection 2013.


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Fwd: EVENTS AT INDIAN ROAD, 8/29-9/4, 2014

Indian Road                                                          Cafe
Indian                                                            Road Cafe


rob s

8PM, LIVE MUSIC: Rob Silverman on piano



steve murphy

1 - 3PM, Sunday Songs with Steve Murphy
Now in his fourth year at IRC, the cafés longest running musical act plays piano medleys from The Beatles, Gershwin, Joel, Porter, Ragtime, Rogers and Hart, Broadway and a bit of opera. Impromptu solos of all styles receive a free drink or dessert.



4 - 7PM, Happy Hour at the bar



lost inwood 2


slides, photos & artifacts from our neighborhood's past

TONIGHT: Schools and Churches of Inwood's Past

It's September, and for many of us that means it's time to head back to school. At Lost Inwood this Tuesday September2nd 7:30 pm we'll be taking it back to school too, as we look at the Schools and Churches of Inwood's past and present.


This is a program that's been requested for some time now, and this month we've managed to bring together a number of rare photos of schools and churches in the nabe going as far back as the 1840s and right up to the present. So do your homework this month and and join us for this free presentation. Teacher's orders!



7PM, Indian Road Knitting Circle

Come on in, have a glass of wine and/or dinner, and knit.

     This week-A Discussion of The Singularity and How it Might Affect Quilting



quiz columbia

8 - 10PM, IRC Pub Quiz with the Dr. Jordan, the Evil Mr. Phil &

(sometimes) OJ the Imposter

Come on out and join up with your friends and neighbors for a night of raucous fun and great prizes.




7:30PM, LIVE MUSIC: Jazz with Judi Marie Canterino



Beer of the Week 


Abita S.O.S. Pilsner

Abita Springs, LA   16oz     7%abv     $7

"This unfiltered Weizen Pils is made with Pilsner and Wheat malts. It is hopped and dry hopped with Sterling and German Perle hops. It has a brilliant gold color, a sweet malt flavor, and a pleasant bitterness and aroma." 


St-Feuillien La Blanche

Belgium   12oz     6.3%abv   $10

"La Blanche was conceived as blending of Belgian Wit and Abbey Tripel, and the result is a relatively strong, fully aromatic and wonderfully complex beer. It has the fine almost minty herbal character of St. Feuillien Tripel with a luxuriously full-body."


Robinson's Trooper

England   12oz     4.7%abv     $11

"An extra strong bitter ale (ESB) inspired by the Iron Maiden song: 'The Trooper'. Malt flavors and citric notes from a unique blend of Bobec, Goldings and Cascade hops dominate this deep golden ale with a subtle hint of lemon."


Lagunitas Sucks Imperial IPA

Petaluma, CA     16oz       7.85%abv       $8

"Made with a 'Cereal Medley' of Barley, Rye, Wheat, and Oats, then joyously dry-hopped for that big aroma and resinous hop flavor. Nice aroma of floral hops. Palate is smooth and round with great depth showcasing the hops, grapefruit, resin and peach for an exquisite brew with a nice bitter finish."



Aspall English Dry Draft Cider

England   11.2oz bottle     6.8%abv     $10


Batemans Mocha Beer

England   16.9oz bottle     6%abv     $11


Great South Bay Blonde Ambition

Bay Shore, NY   12oz     4.9%abv     $6


Dyckman Brew Pils

New York, NY     12oz bottle     5%abv     $5


Brew Dog 5AM Saint Hoppy Red

Fraserburgh, Scotland   12oz     5%abv     $8


Unibroue Ephemere (Apple)

Quebec, Canada   12oz     5.5%abv     $9


Duvel Tripel Hop 2014

Belgium     12oz       9.5%abv     $10

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Indian Road Cafe | 600 West 218th Street | New York | NY | 10034