Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fwd: Coming Up on June 4th at BCA: Longwood Opening Reception, BRIO Awards, Trolly

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Coming up on June 4th at BCA
Longwood Art Gallery Opening Reception
2014 BRIO Award Presentation
Performance by Actress & BRIO Winner Juliette Jefers
Bronx Trolley First Wendesday Arts & Culture Tour
Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos
invites You to the
June 4th Opening Reception
of its Two New Exhibitions

The Time Has Come (in the Main Gallery)
The Time has Come
is BRIO’s fourth artist biennial curated by Longwood Director Juanita Lanzo and featuring works by Bronx artists who are 2012 and 2013 BCA BRIO (Bronx Recognizes Its Own) winners in the disciplines of visual and media arts. Artists include: Manuel Acevedo, Jeanine Alfieri, Michael Paul Britto, Mark Cabaroy, Firan Chisolm, Onyedika Chuke, Patricia Delahanty, Dennis Delgado, Donna Diamond, Sharyn Finnegan, Sean Paul Gallegos, Swati Khurana, Ruth Marshall, Adel L. Morales, Laura Napier, Elle Pérez, Amy Pryor, Stephanie Rodríguez, Hrvoje Slovenc, Jennifer Tomaiolo, Randal Wilcox.
(in the Project Room)

Bronx artist Alicia Grullón will host a series of roundtables, events and community intergenerational conversations in her upcoming project PERCENT FOR GREEN. Ms. Grullón’s project PERCENT FOR GREEN is a social practice piece that looks at green issues and uses praxis intervention ideas to connect climate change to urban poverty, sustainability and diversity. The project’s long term goal is to create a Percent for Green legislation with residents from the Bronx that protects the environmental rights of people in underserved areas. PERCENT FOR GREEN is a part of InClimate, an upcoming exhibition created and curated by Regina Cornwell and being presented under the auspices of Franklin Furnace Archives and its founder-director Martha Wilson.

Both shows on view June 4th through August 6th.
Admission is free. All are welcome.
25 New BRIO Winners at the June 4th
Award Presentation at Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos

Twenty-five Bronx artists are the 2014 recipients of this year’s BCA’s prestigious Bronx Recognizes Its Own(BRIO)Awardfor artistic excellence. The evening marks the 25th anniversary of BRIO, and BRIO winners, past and present, are invited to socialize and network while welcoming the 2014 BRIO winners into the fold.

The 2014 BRIO Award recipients are:

Row 1: Mercedes Augusta (fiction), Judith Baumel (poetry), Paul Bulman (poetry), Gina Clark (fiction), Davalois Fearon (dance);

Row 2: Orlando Ferrand-Rodriguez (poetry), Sean Paul Gallegos (installation), Borinquen Gallo (mixed media), Larissa Gelman (instrumental music performance), Diana Henry (acting);

Row 3: Nigel HoSang (narrative film/video), Laura Kaminsky (music composition), Lisa Lebofsky (painting), Erik Maldonado (spoken word), Marlyn Matias (acting);

Row 4: Agnes Murray (printmaking), Nahshon Ratcliff (non-fiction), Sheila Reinhold (instrumental music performance), Peggy Robles-Alvarado (performance poetry), Ignacio Soltero (photography);

Row 5: Bruce Tallerman (fiction), Matthew Thorburn (poetry), Yarisa Colón Torres (crafts), Macdara (Uibh Aille) Vallely (narrative film/video), Tammy Wofsey (printmaking).

Special Performance by 2013
BRIO winner Juliette Jeffers

The evening will include a special performance by actress and 2013 BRIO winner Juliette Jeffers of her solo show Chocolate Match.com, immediately following the BRIO award presentation. Juliette dedicates this performance to her director, Chuck Patterson. May he rest in peace and theatre!
Juliette Jeffers is a playwright/performer and BCA BRIO winner. Chocolate Match.com is her second solo show which premiered at the 2008 Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Festival under the direction of Denise Dowse. Juliette performed her highly-acclaimed show in conjunction with Vanessa Williams’ solo show at the Lillian Theatre. Chocolate Match.com was also a part of the NAACP Theatre Awards Solo Festival. Juliette revamped her show and performed it in New York at Stage Left Studio under the direction of the late great Chuck Patterson. Her first solo show, Batman and Robin in the Boogie Down, was also highly acclaimed and received a Drama Desk award nomination, an NAACP Theatre Award Nomination and a 2013 BCA BRIO Award. With numerous credits under her belt including an upcoming appearance in season four of the “Pretty” web series, Juliette will begin shooting the web series version ofChocolate Match.comthis summer. Additionally, she is an acting coach and teaches solo show workshops.


The Bronx Trolley First Wednesday Arts & Culture Tour
returns on June 4th
BRIO Reception | BRIO Performance | Exhibitions | Book Signing

The Bronx Trolley First Wednesday Arts & Culture Tour is your free ticket to a cultural tour along the South Bronx Cultural Corridor of the lower Grand Concourse. The trolley runs on the First Wednesdays of each month (except January and September), providing Bronxites and tourists alike a fun way to travel via a replica of an early 20th-century trolley car. Passengers are given the opportunity to sample several of the area’s hottest cultural attractions, dining establishments and entertainment venues along the way.

June 4th trolley activities:

Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos

  • Art Exhibitions
  • 25th Anniversary BRIO Award Presentation
  • Special Performance by BRIO winner Juliette Jeffers

Bronx Museum of the Arts

  • Book Signing and Tour of the Museum

Bronx Documentary Center

  • Photo Exhibition

Bronx River Art Center @ BronxArtSpace

  • Art Exhibition

Click links above for info on those venue activities.
Click here for flyer

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Friday, May 23, 2014


TLC News
New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission

May 22 , 2014

To All Interested Parties:

Industry Notice #14-23
May 22, 2014

For Immediate Release


In order to operate a Street Hail Livery (SHL) vehicle, NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) Rules require that a driver must have a Valid Taxicab Driver’s License (or a Valid Paratransit Driver’s License for Accessible SHLs only) (TLC Rule §54-04.1).  The only exception to this rule is for For-Hire Vehicle drivers who currently hold a valid For-Hire Driver’s License that was issued on or before July 1, 2013 and are authorized to drive SHL vehicles (TLC Rule §54-04.2).  FHV drivers who do not now have a current and valid FHV  license that was issued on or before July 1, 2013 are required to get a Valid Taxicab Driver’s License (or Valid Paratransit Driver’s License, for Accessible SHLs only) if they want to drive an SHL vehicle.  

The LPEP technology systems installed in all Street Hail Liveries will prevent drivers who are not eligible from operating SHL vehicles.  FHV drivers who did not have an FHV driver’s license on or before July 1, 2013 and should not have been eligible to drive an SHL were included on the list of Valid SHL Drivers until Wednesday, May 22, 2014.  TLC modified and updated the list of Valid SHL Drivers on May 22, 2014 to exclude these FHV drivers, resulting in those licensees being locked out of the meters by the LPEP technology.

In response to this issue, the TLC is reminding all licensees that in order to operate a Street Hail Livery Vehicle you must have an FHV license issued on or before 7/1/2013, a Taxicab Driver’s license or a Paratransit Driver’s license for a Wheelchair Accessible SHL only.  The TLC will allow those individuals who hold an FHV license issued after 7/1/2013 a 90-day grace period to continue operating the SHL vehicle without being subject to enforcement for unlicensed operation of the SHL.  The 90-day grace period will begin on 5/22/2014 and end on 8/19/2014.  Once the grace period ends, the LPEP system will lock-out all ineligible drivers on 8/20/14 and leave them unable to operate the SHL without the appropriate license.

Aviso para la industria #14-23
22 Mayo, 2014

Para publicación inmediata


Para operar un vehículo de Taxi de los Condados, las reglas de la Comisión de Taxis y Limosinas (TLC) requieren que un conductor debe tener una licencia válida para conducir Taxi de Medallón (o una licencia válida para conducir vehículos “Paratransit” si solo maneja Taxis de Los Condados accesible a sillas de ruedas) (Regla de la TLC § 54 -04,1 ) . La única excepción a la regla es para conductores de taxis sin medallón (FHV) que tienen una licencia válida de conducir taxis sin medallón que fue emitido en o antes del 01 de julio 2013 y están autorizados a conducir vehículos de Taxis de los Condados (Regla de la TLC § 54 a 04,2 ) . Conductores de taxis sin medallón que no tienen una licencia de conducir taxi sin medallón válida y vigente que fue emitido en o antes del 01 de julio 2013 tienen que obtener una licencia válida para conducir Taxi de Medallón (o licencia válida para conducir vehículos “Paratransit”, si solo maneja Taxis de Los Condados accesible a sillas de ruedas) si quieren conducir un vehículo de Taxi de los Condados.

Los sistemas de tecnología instalados en todo los Taxis de los Condados evitarán que los conductores inelegibles operen un Taxi de los Condados. Conductores de taxis sin medallón que no tenían licencia de conducir taxi sin medallón en o antes de julio 1 de 2013, y no deberían haber sido elegibles para conducir un Taxi de los Condados, se incluyeron en la lista de conductores válidos de Taxis de los Condados hasta Miércoles, 22 de mayo 2014. La TLC modificó y actualizó la lista de conductores válidos de Taxis de los Condados el 22 de mayo de 2014 para excluir estos conductores de taxi sin medallón, resultando en esos conductores siendo excluidos de los taxímetros por la tecnología LPEP.

En respuesta a esta cuestión, la TLC está recordando a todos los licenciatarios que para operar un Taxi de los Condados debe tener una licencia de taxi sin medallón emitido en o antes del julio 1 de 2013 o licencia de conducir Taxi de Medallón. La TLC permitirá a aquellas personas que posean una licencia de taxi sin medallón emitida después de julio 1 de 2013, y que están operando actualmente un Taxi de los Condados un período de gracia de 90 días para continuar operando el Taxi de los Condados, sin ser objeto a la aplicación de la regla que no permite operación sin licencia válida para conducir Taxi de los Condados. El período de gracia de 90 días comenzará el 22 de mayo 2014 y finaliza el 19 de agosto 2014. Una vez que el período de gracia termina, el sistema tecnológica LPEP bloqueará todos los conductores  inelegibles en el 20 de agosto 2014 y los dejara incapaces de operar el Taxi de los Condados sin la licencia requerida.

Visit Taxi and Limousine Commission Web site at:

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Fwd: This week at BCA: Three Bronx Writers Center Workshops

Sent by: Bronx Council on the Arts
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BCA's Bronx Writers Center Invites You
to our next three
FREE Bronx Memoir Project events
Tuesday | May 20 | 6:30-8:30pm
Free Bronx Memoir Project Teen Workshop
with Vanessa Mártir

The Point
940 Garrison Avenue | Bronx NY 10474 | 718-542-4139
Note: This workshop is only open to teens.
Information: 718-931-9500 x21
Wednesday | May 21 & 28 | 7:00-9:00pm
Free Bronx Memoir Project Workshop
with Urayoán Noel

Bronx Documentary Center
614 Courtlandt Avenue | Bronx, NY 10451 | 718-993-3512
RSVP May 21: https://052114memoirbdc.eventbrite.com
Information: 718-931-9500 x21
Thursday | May 22 & 29 | 7:00-9:00pm

Free Bronx Memoir Project Workshop:
Graphic Novel Memoir Making with Alex Simmons

Mind Builders Creative Arts Center
3415 Olinville Avenue | Bronx, NY 10467 | 347-945-4467
RSVP May 22: http://052214gnovel.eventbrite.com
RSVP May 29: https://052914gnovel.eventbrite.com
Information: 718-931-9500 x21

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