Thursday, February 21, 2013

Rooftop Farming Flows At New Bronx Housing Project

Rooftop Farming Flows At New Bronx Housing Project

A city housing authority building in the Morrisania section of the Bronx is taking green to a whole new level with its hydroponic rooftop farm that will provide residents with fresh produce.

Rooftop Farming Flows At New Bronx Housing Project
Thu, 21 Feb 2013 15:55:48 GMT

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

19th Annual Bronx Parks Speak Up

19th Annual Bronx Parks Speak Up

Date: February 23, 2013

The Bronx Coalition for Parks and Green Spaces invites you to the 19th Annual Bronx Parks Speak Up. This year's theme is History, Parks and Culture: Using Open Spaces to Bridge Cultural Gaps.

Join us for a day of networking, presentations, workshops and a Mayoral Candidates Forum. Learn about the history of Bronx Parks and help create a list of the best places in Bronx Parks.
For more information please To register for a display table please email

Start time: 11:00 am

End time: 5:00 pm

Contact phone: (718) 430-1861

Location: Lehman College Faculty Dining Room, Music Building

19th Annual Bronx Parks Speak Up
Wed, 20 Feb 2013 05:00:02 GMT

Friday, February 15, 2013

Mayor Announces Change In City's Marijuana Arrest Policy

Mayor Announces Change In City's Marijuana Arrest Policy

In his State of the City address Thursday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that he and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly support Governor Andrew Cuomo's plan to make possession of small amounts of the drug a violation rather than a misdemeanor.

Mayor Announces Change In City's Marijuana Arrest Policy
Fri, 15 Feb 2013 04:10:44 GMT

The Bronx River’s African-American Heritage

The Bronx River’s African-American Heritage

Date: February 22, 2013

Join us for a free talk featuring African-American New York history from the era of Dutch Colonialism to the present. The talk will be led by Morgan Powell, a Community Researcher with the Bronx African American History Project and the founder of Bronx River Sankofa on You Tube and Facebook.

Morgan Powell will highlight African-American women to the sound of a century of great music. Featured women include: Jessye Norman, opera singer. Lorraine Hansberry, award winning playwright. Ilyassa Shabazz, CUNY executive & Malcolm X daughter. Bricktop & A’lelia Walker, financiers to the Harlem Renaissance. Tanya Fields & Majora Carter, nationally known environmental activists, The Chiffons & Celia Cruz, musical icons, and many more. Come see and hear answers through new research featured in the New York Daily News and cited in the New York Times.

Start time: 12:00 pm

End time: 2:00 pm

Contact phone: (718) 365-5516

Location: Poe Park Visitor Center (in Poe Park)

The Bronx River’s African-American Heritage
Fri, 15 Feb 2013 05:00:02 GMT

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Heart of the Community: Learn to Swim

Heart of the Community: Learn to Swim

Date: February 14, 2013

NYC Parks is the Heart of the Community!

Fall in love with Parks, and enjoy free fitness classes and wellness seminars for a day of heart healthy fun in the Bronx.

Get your feet wet with our free swimming lesson!

Start time: 1:00 pm

End time:

Contact phone: (212) 360-3304

Location: St. Mary's Recreation Center (in St. Mary's Park)

Heart of the Community: Learn to Swim
Tue, 12 Feb 2013 05:00:02 GMT

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Heart of the Community: Boot Camp

Heart of the Community: Boot Camp

Date: February 14, 2013

NYC Parks is the Heart of the Community!

Fall in love with Parks, and enjoy free fitness classes and wellness seminars for a day of heart healthy fun in the Bronx.

This total body workout addresses muscle strength and endurance while keeping the heart rate up to burn calories and improve cardiovascular health.

Start time: 7:00 pm

End time:

Contact phone: (212) 360-3304

Location: Hunt's Point Recreation Center

Heart of the Community: Boot Camp
Sat, 09 Feb 2013 05:00:02 GMT

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Some felony cases in Bronx are years old

Some felony cases in Bronx are years old

A new criminal justice initiative targeting the outstanding number of felony cases in the Bronx appears to be off to a whirlwind start in part due to the hustle and bustle of a Brooklyn judge.

Some felony cases in Bronx are years old
Tue, 05 Feb 2013 11:00:57 GMT

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Eating Along the 4 Line: Mount Eden and 170th St.

Eating Along the 4 Line: Mount Eden and 170th St.

As the 4 train chugs through Mount Eden and Morris Heights, it crosses hilly residential streets and highways that are full of twists and turns. Some of the area’s best eats are hidden in their corners, like these three busy favorites.

Eating Along the 4 Line: Mount Eden and 170th St.
Sun, 03 Feb 2013 11:00:34 GMT

Friday, February 1, 2013

Twenty fire units citywide could be on Bloomberg chopping block

Twenty fire units citywide could be on Bloomberg chopping block

Bronxites say it’s a frustrating, nearly annual exercise: Mayor Bloomberg threatens to close fire companies, and residents foil the plan by raising hell. The mayor has again proposed closing 20 fire units citywide in his preliminary budget for fiscal year 2013.

Twenty fire units citywide could be on Bloomberg chopping block
Fri, 01 Feb 2013 11:00:12 GMT