III Bienial Exhibition of Latin American Artists of the Bronx: Visual Appearance
Date: November 24, 2012
The Poe Park Visitor Center is home to the III Bienal de Artes Latino Americano del Bronx. Come and enjoy Visual Appearance. You will be amazed!
The title "Visual Appearance" refers to the elucidation of of what happens when we stand in front of an art work. The visual appearance of objects is given by the way in which they reflect and transmit light. The color of objects is determined by the parts of the spectrum of light, reflected or transmitted without being absorbed. Visual Appearance also relates to the meaning of symbolic reference constructed as an icon that stands for an object by signifying or representing it either concretely, or by analogy. In Visual Appearance you will experience conflict, contrast, wonder and especially question what you see.
The Latin American artists include Miguel Trelles, Leenda Bonilla, Rodolfo Edwards, Pepe Villegas, Aisha Sufe, Miguel Martinez, Marina Gutierrez and Ismael Checo. The curator is Luis Stephenberg. The next bienal will be in 2014.
The Poe Park Visitor Center is open from Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-5pm. We are closed Sundays and Mondays.
For your convenience, please call to schedule a visit for your group. We are closed on Thanksgiving.
Start time: 9:00 am
End time: 5:00 pm
Contact phone: (718) 365-5516
Location: Poe Park Visitor Center (in Poe Park)
III Bienial Exhibition of Latin American Artists of the Bronx: Visual Appearance
Sun, 18 Nov 2012 05:00:02 GMT