Thursday, August 30, 2012


* Democratic Assembly candidate Ben Akselrod, who is challenging Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz in a primary, apologized for sending out a campaign mailer using the word "negrohood" to Brooklyn residents, the Daily News writes:

* Newsday calls on the NYPD to end its controversial program that eavesdrops on Muslim groups, which it calls "ineffective" and "dubious":

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


* Mayor Michael Bloomberg said his administration is not contemplating any changes to his proposal to ban large-size sodas from restaurants and theaters despite heavy pressure from the beverage industry, the Wall Street Journal reports:

* A top Manhattan Democratic leader claims a Board of Elections clerk told him not to approve poll worker applications for the September primary from Democrats allied with state Sen. Adriano Espaillat, the News's Juan Gonzalez writes:

* Public school students will no longer be suspended for one-time infractions and younger students will have some suspensions reduced, according to new disciplinary rules from the city's Department of Education, the Times writes:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fw: [SOA~2012] Sept 12th and 15th: Free the Cuban 5


The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5
 "Ours may be one of the most ridiculous accusations of espionage in the history of this country"- Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, The Cuban 5
This September 12th, 2012 will mark the 14th year anniversary of the arrest of the Cuban 5; five US held Cuban political prisoners incarcerated for protecting Cuba from U.S. sponsored terrorist actions.
In 2006, President Ricardo Alarcon, of the Cuban Parliament, declared Sept. 12th through October 6th to be a period of time to raise awareness on the case of the Cuban 5. The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5 is committed to building an international movement for the Cuban 5's freedom by extending this period of time to be a full month (Sept. 12th-October 12th) and calling it "Free the Cuban 5 Month."
During this month we organize a calendar of events to raise awareness about the Cuban 5 and how people can support their release!
Please support the Free the Cuban 5 picket on Sept 12th,  the Vicente Feliu concert on Saturday Sept. 15th at 1199, the special Film screening of "South of the Border" on Sept. 22nd and support the Cuban 5 call in day on Oct. 12th!
International Committee for the Freedom of
the Cuban 5 

Spread the Word
New York City,
Saturday September 15


A Leading Voice of the Cuban Nueva Trova Movement
The Nueva Trova Movement is a distinct musical tradition that emerged in Cuba in the early 1960's heavily influenced by the events surrounding the Cuban Revolution in 1959. One of these singer songwriters is Vicente Feliu who has performed in more than 20 countries in the Americas, Europe and Africa. He has shared the stage with numerous other Cuban musicians from the same movement including Silvio Rodríguez and Pablo Milanés. He has also performed with Luis Eduardo Aute and Caco Senante (Spain), Isabel Parra and Inti Illimani (Chile), León Gieco and Mercedes Sosa (Argentina), Jackson Browne, Pete Seeger, Holly Near and Little Steven (United States), Daniel Viglietti and Alfredo Zitarrosa (Uruguay), and Luis Enrique and Carlos Mejía Godoy (Nicaragua). Currently he directs the cultural center Canto de Todos that promotes musical gatherings and exchanges between the countries of Latin America. 
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Saturday, August 25, 2012



PO BOX 22505

NEWARK, NJ 07101

973 801 0001


August 24, 2012






On Tuesday, August 28th, the People's Organization for Progress (P.O.P.) will observe the 49th anniversary of the epic March On Washington of 1963 with a rally at the Lincoln Memorial, located at Springfield Avenue and Market St., Newark.

          Participants will assemble at 4:30pm.

On August 28, 1963, according to official figures, 250, 000 people assembled at the Lincoln Monument in Washington, DC to demand civil rights legislation. It was the largest mobilization that the nation's capital had seen up until that time. It was there the immortal Martin Luther King Jr. Delivered his historic 'I Have A Dream' address that marched his ascension into history as both an all-time great orator and mobilizer.

          The date was chosen based on the day that Emmitt Till, a 13 year old from Chicago, was savagely lynched in Mississippi on that day in 1955. That lynching and the bold decision of Till's mother to have her son funeralized with the casket open so that the savagery visited upon him could be revealed to the world produced a collective outrage that provided the moral undergirding for the epic Montgomery Bus Boycott launched later that same year in Montgomery, Alabama and for the larger emergence of a new movement based in the American south that ultimately became known as 'the Civil Rights Movement.'

          Tragically, although basic civil rights protections now legally are still in place, the host of issues driving the March On Washington are still issues today, including police brutality, jobs, the right to vote, workers rights and resource draining, unpopular wars abroad to name a few.

          The Peoples Organization for Progress did a 381 daily protest campaign just this past year at Newark's Lincoln Monument dramatizing the current economic crisis being dangerously driven by these very same issues.

          "We rally not just to honor Dr. King and those who made that great day happen, we rally because our voting rights are under attack right now with new Voter ID requirements and because we are in real crisis right now behind the same issues that drove the March on Washington back then," said Lawrence Hamm, the founding chairman for the People's Organization for Progress emphatically.

          For more information, please call 973 801 0001…



Friday, August 24, 2012



* Mayor Michael Bloomberg's remark that families stay in city shelters for a longer period of time than last year because it is a "more pleasurable experience" than before drew criticism from homeless services advocates, the Daily News writes:

* As homeless people flock to city shelters, private storage companies are booming and naming themselves after government agencies in order to get their client's attention, the New York World learns:


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fw: [B-C-C] Fw: Ku Klux Klan
Demand that town officials remove a public monument celebrating the first leader of the Ku Klux Klan.
Sign Malika's Petition

Leonna -

In Selma, Alabama, a monument to the first leader of the Ku Klux Klan is under construction on public land.

The statue of Confederate General Nathan Forrest -- infamous as the first Grand WIzard of the Klan and for massacring black Union soldiers at the Civil War battle of Fort Pillow -- even has the blessing of the Selma City Council.

Selma is home to some of the most important events of the Civil Rights Movement -- including "Bloody Sunday," when 600 activists fighting for African-American voting rights were attacked by state and local police. 

Unless the city council stops it, a "bigger and better than ever" monument will be constructed to honor Nathan Bedford Forrest. A group called Friends of Forrest built the original monument, and now the group is planning to lay concrete for a new foundation, add a new bust of the KKK founder, enclose the monument in a wrought iron gate, and add night lighting. 

Malika Sanders-Fortier is a community leader in Selma, and when she heard about the plan for the monument she was outraged. Malika is proud of her city's place in history, and she thinks that monuments celebrating violent racism and intolerance have no place in this country, let alone in a city like Selma, where the families of those attacked by the Klan still live.

Malika started a petition on demanding that the Selma City Council remove the monument to a founder of the Ku Klux Klan. Click here to add your name.



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    MERCADO MIRABO AT KINGSBRIDGE ARMORY WILL BRING ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY, CULTURE AND INNOVATION TO THE BRONX. Featuring a creative market with artisans, artists and entrepreneurs, Mercado Mirabó will also boast anchor retail, Crunch gym, small business incubator and co-working space.  Cultural offerings include Pinta, Grupo Ars and the National HipHop Museum, recreational opportunities from soccer, NYC Gauchos and Brooklyn Boulders, international food tastings and the country's first 4-D cinema experience.  Visit us on Facebook



    Sunday, August 19, 2012

    Why Race Is Still a Problem for Mormons

    Why Race Is Still a Problem for Mormons

    “I believe that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people,” sings Elder Kevin Price in the Broadway musical “The Book of Mormon.” The line is meant to be funny, and it is — in part because it’s true. In a June 1978 letter, the first presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of [...]

    Why Race Is Still a Problem for Mormons
    The Admin
    Sun, 19 Aug 2012 00:42:49 GMT

    Thursday, August 16, 2012

    The government uses social media services

    Every day, the government uses social media services like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to communicate with you and provide easy access to government benefits and services.

    But unlike most government websites, which are hosted on a .mil or a .gov domain, social media sites are hosted on commercial domains. Without the .gov or the .mil, it can be difficult to determine which social media accounts are official government sources of information and which are impersonators.

    To help solve that problem, we recently launched a social media registry in English and Spanish, where you can confirm the validity of a variety of government social media accounts. Learn more about the social media registry.

    Visit the social media registry to check the validity of government social media accounts.



    Hatewatch is a weekly summary of the latest news about hate and extremism compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Week of August 16, 2012

    Hatewatch Blog

    Wisconsin Temple Attack: Authorities Chose to Look the Other Way

    How Do We Know FAIR is a Hate Group? Let Us Count the Ways

    Radical Right Theories Flourish in Aftermath of Sikh Killings

    Sovereigns Arrested After Police Stand-off Near Spokane

    A Little History Tutorial, from Hatewatch to Bryan Fischer

    Hatewatch Headlines

    MO 17-Year-Old Certified as Adult, Charged With Hate Crime Against Gay Mo. Woman
    Southeast Missourian | August 15, 2012

    CA Gay Mission Prep Staffer Targeted in Hate Crimes
    San Luis Obispo Tribune | August 15, 2012

    ND Las Vegas Sovereign Citizens Fugitive Caught in ND
    Associated Press | August 14, 2012



    * A Quinnipiac poll finds that 69 percent of black voters in New York City oppose stop-and-frisk, 57 percent of whites support the policy, but 64 percent of all voters approve of Police Commissioner Ray Kelly's job performance:

    * Police used some level of physical force in more than 20 percent of its stops across the city last year, though those stops seldom translate into arrests, causing black and Latino leaders to question officers' judgment, the New York Times writes:

    * State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli argued the New York Thruway Authority must "look within" for savings before it considers a proposed 45 percent increase in truck trolls that would negatively affect consumers, the Associated Press writes:

    * A coalition of labor unions and liberal advocacy groups launched a new campaign to tie Mitt Romney to defenders of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's education policies in hopes of influencing the 2013 mayoral race, the Times reports:

    * New Yorkers will shell out an average $5,542 more in taxes next year if President Obama and Congress cannot agree on an extension of the current rates, according to a Tax Foundation study, the Post notes:

    * A state-funded program that would put 150 cameras in two Brooklyn Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods has stalled over concerns police may not have access to footage of certain crimes, including sex abuse, the Daily News reports:

    * Bronx public housing residents are suing the city's Housing Authority over poor living conditions in their buildings, including a burgeoning rat infestation, the News writes:

    * Union workers at Con Edison overwhelmingly voted for a new labor contract yesterday after Govenor Cuomo brokered a deal between the utility and its workers last month, the Wall Street Journal reports:

    * Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Louise Slaughter helped save Rochester's iconic Hickey Freeman clothing company by convincing banks to give the manufacturer a new line of credit, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports:

    * Cuomo held the state's first ever "Yogurt Summit" in Albany, noting the industry's explosive growth in the region and the addition of several new factories, the Times writes:

    Tuesday, August 14, 2012


    * State officials announced $450,000 in grants to help young, undocumented immigrants just days before a federal law allows them to apply for work permits, the Daily News reports:

    * Former Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has been meeting with mayoral candidates to tell them he is interested succeeding Ray Kelly as the city's next police chief, the Wall Street Journal reports:

     Council Speaker Christine Quinn will introduce a bill expanding the city's efforts to direct both small and large contracts to businesses owned by women and people of color, the New York Times reports:

    Bronx Week: Once-Polluted Bronx River Now Has A Thriving Waterfront

    Bronx Week: Once-Polluted Bronx River Now Has A Thriving Waterfront

    It was once labeled an open sewer, but the tide has turned for the section of the Bronx River which runs through its namesake borough. As NY1 celebrates its two decades of reporting on the Bronx borough beat, NY1's Shazia Khan filed the following report on the rebirth of a long-polluted waterway.

    Bronx Week: Once-Polluted Bronx River Now Has A Thriving Waterfront
    Mon, 13 Aug 2012 23:52:56 GMT

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

    Upper Manhattan Job & Career Expo


    Upper Manhattan Job & Career Expo

    DATE: August 15, 2012
    LOCATION: Lexington Avenue
    TIME: All Day

    Assemblyman Keith Wright is sponsoring the Upper Manhattan Job & Career Expo from 10 a.m. To 2 p.m. On Aug. 15 at the James Weldon Johnson Community Center, 1839 Lexington Ave. At 113th Street.

    Participants should bring at least 16 copies of their resume and wear business attire. Call (212) 866-5809 for more information.

    Read more:

    Fw: Hatewatch Headlines for August 9, 2012


    Hatewatch is a weekly summary of the latest news about hate and extremism compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Week of August 9, 2012

    The murderous attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin this past Sunday by neo-Nazi skinhead Wade Michael Page was just the latest in a series of terrorist incidents and plots by the radical right. Earlier this year, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented a third straight year of extraordinary growth that has swelled the ranks of extremist groups to record levels. The SPLC is now tracking 1,018 hate groups, a 69 percent increase since 2000. Following is a list of Hatewatch blogs, SPLC news and national headlines related to the shooting in Wisconsin, the rise of extremism, the neo-Nazi skinhead movement and the racist music scene. For more information, and links to all of our coverage click here.

    Hatewatch Blog and SPLC Coverage of the Sikh Temple Shooting

    Neo-Nazi Killer Wade Page was Member of Hammerskin Nation

    White Supremacists React to Sikh Massacre

    Alleged Sikh Temple Shooter Former Member of Skinhead Band


    Wis. Temple Shooter's Motives Might Never Be Known
    Associated Press | August 8, 2012

    Music Style Is Called Supremacist Recruiting Tool
    New York Times | August 7, 2012

    Neo-Nazi Rampage: Army Psy-Ops Vet, White Power Musician ID'd As Gunman in Sikh Temple Shooting
    Democracy Now! | August 7, 2012

    Wisconsin Killer Fed and Was Fueled by Hate-Driven Music
    New York Times | August 6, 2012